FEBRUARY 2008 CONTEST RESULTS These are the final results of the USACO FEBRUARY 2008 programming competition. The next official USACO contest is scheduled for 14-17 March 2008, the USACO MARCH 2008 programming contest. Our goal in these contests is to cultivate interest in computer programming among pre-college students and recognize those who are outstanding performers. The elite contest had 688 competitors and 270 observers, a total of 958 legal entrants, the largest turnout since November of 2006! No Level One contest was offered. GOLD SILVER BRONZE LEVEL1 TOTAL Comp's Obsvrs Comp's Obsvrs Comp's Obsvrs Comp's Obsvrs Comp's Obsvrs Entries APR 2003 257 39 104 9 -- -- -- -- 361 48 409 NOV 2003 300 106 166 31 -- -- -- -- 466 192 658 DEC 2003 284 76 141 24 -- -- -- -- 301 228 529 JAN 2004 313 69 153 31 108 38 -- -- 574 138 712 FEB 2004 236 45 174 36 69 23 -- -- 479 104 583 MAR 2004 207 42 194 41 91 17 -- -- 492 100 592 NOV 2004 657 205 --- -- -- -- -- -- 657 205 862 DEC 2004 163 54 132 25 339 127 -- -- 634 209 843 JAN 2005 150 34 166 36 390 148 -- -- 706 217 924 FEB 2005 165 41 206 42 398 122 -- -- 769 205 974 MAR 2005 178 39 221 43 359 104 -- -- 758 186 944 OCT 2005 253 53 235 41 266 89 -- -- 754 183 937 NOV 2005 149 50 149 33 309 121 -- -- 607 204 811 DEC 2005 136 35 180 35 280 95 65 33 629 198 859 JAN 2006 137 29 177 32 250 78 53 23 617 162 779 FEB 2006 179 41 168 19 242 83 43 11 632 154 786 MAR 2006 184 44 128 22 296 80 42 14 650 160 810 OPEN2006 161 35 144 18 237 52 35 10 577 115 692 OCT 2006 642 239 881 NOV 2006 238 93 181 63 207 82 130 56 767 283 1050 DEC 2006 220 83 153 45 225 91 89 34 687 253 940 JAN 2007 234 77 151 41 221 78 72 30 678 226 904 FEB 2007 213 67 137 39 159 62 59 33 568 201 769 MAR 2007 220 63 164 44 208 75 55 28 647 210 857 OPEN2007 161 57 141 29 118 30 18 6 438 122 560 NOV 2007 208 108 133 36 327 122 -- -- 668 266 934 DEC 2007 203 79 156 40 316 121 -- -- 675 240 915 JAN 2008 175 61 151 52 263 98 -- -- 589 211 800 FEB 2008 171 52 204 67 313 151 -- -- 688 270 958 46 contestants were disqualified for not following the rules; 16 had an unacceptable name (potentially among other infractions). ********************************************************************** NOTE: Those 47 competitors who read the GOLD or SILVER division problems and then failed to submit solutions have had their qualifications removed. One can always read the problems and solve them on Tuesday in analysis mode after the regular competition is over. ********************************************************************** NOTE: Those with invalid email addresses will also lose their credentials soon. ********************************************************************** The 958 contestants and observers who successfully submitted at least one solution came from these 59 countries: 1 ABW 11 BRA 2 FRA 21 IRN 4 MEX 6 SGP 149 USA 2 ARE 36 CAN 2 GBR 1 ISR 1 MNG 4 SVK 4 VEN 4 ARG 243 CHN 38 GEO 1 ITA 4 NED 1 SVN 7 VNM 3 ARM 5 COL 14 GRC 17 KAZ 2 NOR 1 SYR 8 YUG 3 AUS 10 CUB 2 HKG 1 KGZ 3 NZL 4 THA 9 ZAF 1 AUT 15 DEU 11 HRV 4 KOR 7 PHL 6 TKM 6 BGD 1 ECU 1 HUN 7 LTU 15 POL 18 TUR 36 BGR 7 EGY 32 IDN 3 LVA 60 ROM 12 TWN 44 BLR 2 ESP 27 IND 1 MDA 4 RUS 14 UKR The grading system accepted 8.13 MB of text, a total of 7,991 submissions (perhaps a bit higher than usual because of the output-only problem). Here's a summary of how the final graded submissions looked (including observers): Program Subs C Pascal Java GOLD grading 169 121/72% 41/24% 7/ 4% : hotel 164 117/71% 39/24% 8/ 5% SILVER lines 263 156/59% 84/32% 23/ 9% : meteor 237 146/62% 77/32% 14/ 6% : egroup 215 125/58% 74/34% 16/ 7% BRONZE cowmult 505 253/50% 165/33% 87/17% : racing 499 253/51% 159/32% 87/17% : diningb 464 238/51% 159/34% 67/14% Java continues to be only a small part of the Gold division. Mechanically and logistically, the contest ran approximately perfectly. The timings for JAVA are reported just as for C (et al.), though JAVA runs slower, so all JAVA times are actually divided by 2.0. If your JAVA program ran too slow -- perhaps you're using RandomAccess input instead of BufferedReader input. The latter can be orders of magnitude faster! Test data and analyses are available at http://ace.delos.com/FEB08.htm . NOTE: New higher speed servers are on the way! Expect faster compilations. I expect we'll scale CPU reporting in order to match execution times across upgrade-technologies. ### GOLD Division ###################################################### Greece's Christos Tzamos directed the Gold contest with assistance and analyses from Richard Peng. Thanks to them for the fine effort. Be sure to email me if you want to direct a contest! The problem weightings were determined by the "automatic IOI scoring" algorithm: points weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c ----------------------------------------------------- grading: 260 264.4 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 cgame: 340 335.6 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 hotel: 396 400.0 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Finally, the contest was a bit easier with a mean perhaps 100 points higher than the previous challenges. We are doing our best to create balanced contests and sometimes err a bit on the difficult side. Seniors seriously dominated this contest's entries, a reflection on the growing difficult and elitism of the tasks: Distribution by grade: Grde # Percent 2008 75 (43.9%) ********************************* 2009 54 (31.6%) ************************ 2010 31 (18.1%) ************* 2011 7 ( 4.1%) *** 2012 3 ( 1.8%) * 2013 1 ( 0.6%) Five perfect scores in a much better distribution than we've seen in several months: ===== Distribution of scores ===== 951..1000 7 ******* 901.. 950 2 ** 851.. 900 2 ** 801.. 850 3 *** 751.. 800 10 ********** 701.. 750 5 ***** 651.. 700 5 ***** 601.. 650 6 ****** 551.. 600 7 ******* 501.. 550 8 ******** 451.. 500 4 **** 401.. 450 12 ************ 351.. 400 12 ************ 301.. 350 16 **************** 251.. 300 19 ******************* 201.. 250 11 *********** 151.. 200 14 ************** 101.. 150 15 *************** 51.. 100 8 ******** 1.. 50 5 ***** 0.. 0 0 Of course, the curve is very much affected by the scoring algorithm used. Other scoring algorithms push the curve lower. The best way we know of to improve your score is still the USACO training pages at http://train.usaco.org . Congratulations to Romania's strong finishers! Four of the five perfect scores were Romanian. Here are the top 11 competitors (all at or above 850): 1 2008 ROM Filip Cristian Buru 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2008 CHN Qifeng Chen 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2010 ROM Cosmin Gheorghe 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2008 ROM Victor Rusu 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2010 ROM Bogdan Cr. Tataroiu 1000 *** WINNER *** 6 2008 CHN Huacheng Yu 987 7 2008 CHN Wu Zhuojie 983 8 2009 CHN ZiChao Qi 936 9 2008 CHN Max Zhou 933 10 2009 HRV Goran Zuzic 899 11 2009 CAN Hanson Wang 861 China's 5 winners were almost matched by Romania's 4, though all of Romania's big winners achieved a perfect score. Both Hrvatska (we call it Croatia) and Canada had a winner in this elite set. A great achievement for all concerned! Congratulations to all these fine programmers. ## SILVER Division ##################################################### All the coaches work together to direct the Silver contest with Richard Peng, as usual, picking up the lion's share of the work. Thanks to USA competitor Neal Wu, USA alumnus Jeff Wang and Ionescu Victor for the tasks. Do you have a task idea? Send it to me via email! These weights (and the scores below) use the normal USACO scoring algorithm: points weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e ----------------------------------------------------------- lines: 95 303.0 0 6 6 6 7 9 9 10 7 10 11 14 meteor: 97 400.0 0 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 9 7 7 8 9 14 egroup: 91 297.0 0 7 9 8 9 9 9 10 10 12 8 While meteor was slightly more challenging, the other tow tasks were weighted almost equally. This made for a very nice distribution across the entire spectrum with 13 perfect scores: ===== Distribution of scores ===== 951..1000 14 ************** 901.. 950 8 ******** 851.. 900 6 ****** 801.. 850 10 ********** 751.. 800 6 ****** 701.. 750 16 **************** 651.. 700 8 ******** 601.. 650 12 ************ 551.. 600 8 ******** 501.. 550 10 ********** 451.. 500 12 ************ 401.. 450 15 *************** 351.. 400 17 ***************** 301.. 350 13 ************* 251.. 300 6 ****** 201.. 250 7 ******* 151.. 200 8 ******** 101.. 150 3 *** 51.. 100 14 ************** 1.. 50 10 ********** 0.. 0 1 * Thirteen competitors earned perfect scores. Several with very high scores took mid-contest promotions and moved to the gold division; their scores are generally not shown here or in the silver results below. 1 2009 IRN Aryan Arbabi 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2008 BLR Nikita Beloglazov 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2008 SVN Jan Bercic 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2010 CAN Brian Bi 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2010 GEO Artem Gandilyan 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2009 CHN Taibu Haole 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2009 GEO Zurius Kucia 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2010 SGP Wei Zhong Lim 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2010 GEO Joseph Makhatadze 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2009 GEO Levan Varamashvili 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2009 CHN Zhining Wang 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2008 CHN Zhang Yunxiao 1000 *** WINNER *** 1 2012 CHN Wentai Zhang 1000 *** WINNER *** The country breakdown includes (besides China) the up-and-coming players: four from China, four from Georgia, one each from Slovenia, Singapore, Iran, Canada, and Belarus. The 30 competitors above 840 points have been promoted to the Gold division. Bear in mind that programming contest scores are spread out across hundreds of points instead of the usual 7 point spread for 93-100% that so many student achieve in their academic pursuits. Congrats to these hot scorers in a very difficult contest. ## BRONZE Division ##################################################### Rob Kolstad directed the Bronze contest with problems created by Jeffrey Wang and Brian Dean. Thanks to them for their great tasks. Three problems this time with weightings from low to high. The scoring and ratings were determined by the standard USACO method. points weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c ----------------------------------------------------- diningb: 97 400.0 0 7 7 9 10 9 10 10 11 12 12 racing: 92 324.0 0 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 9 8 9 cowmult: 81 276.0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Juniors dominated again, with just under 1/3 of the total contestants; ever more youngsters showing up, too: Distribution by grade: Grde # Percent 2008 72 (23.0%) ***************** 2009 98 (31.3%) ************************ 2010 71 (22.7%) ***************** 2011 48 (15.3%) *********** 2012 16 ( 5.1%) *** 2013 6 ( 1.9%) * 2014 2 ( 0.6%) The scores were distributed mostly through the upper part of the range with 79 (!!!) perfect scores (many folks moved up to the Silver division during the contest; their results are not reported in the Bronze division): ===== Distribution of scores ===== 951..1000 83 *********************************************************************************** 901.. 950 20 ******************** 851.. 900 11 *********** 801.. 850 16 **************** 751.. 800 15 *************** 701.. 750 16 **************** 651.. 700 55 ******************************************************* 601.. 650 10 ********** 551.. 600 30 ****************************** 501.. 550 9 ********* 451.. 500 5 ***** 401.. 450 5 ***** 351.. 400 12 ************ 301.. 350 9 ********* 251.. 300 8 ******** 201.. 250 0 151.. 200 1 * 101.. 150 0 51.. 100 5 ***** 1.. 50 2 ** 0.. 0 1 * Here's a list of the 79 perfect scores, each of whom is a winner of the 2008 January contest: 2010 KAZ Askhat Aliaskarov 2009 ARG Nicolas Ponieman 2010 ROM Ionut (Stefan) Bogd 2008 IND krishnan parthasara 2009 HRV Viktor Braut 2008 ROM Ioana Popescu 2013 USA Andrew Cai 2008 BLR Alexey Prokopnev 2010 CHN Joe Chow 2009 GEO seriozuli programis 2009 ZAF Jacobus Conradie 2009 CHN Xiao Qi 2009 THA Alan Cookies 2010 CHN Cheng Quan 2010 TUR Burak Coskun 2010 USA Daniel Ranard 2009 USA Alex Crichton 2008 USA Frank Rodriguez 2009 CHN liu duolon 2009 CUB Jos?Daniel Rodrígu 2008 UKR Rustam Dzumaniyazov 2008 DEU Marcel Ruegenberg 2010 LTU Rolas Glotnis 2008 IDN Samsu Sempena 2009 BRA Vítor Meneguzzi Gro 2010 TWN Jr-Cheng Shi 2008 USA John Haberstroh 2009 CHN Yang Shujun 2010 CHN Jeff Hill 2010 CHN Ziyin Song 2010 CHN biao jia 2009 USA Filip Sufitchi 2009 CHN Kai Jiang 2009 CHN TianYou Sun 2008 USA Justin Johnson 2011 GEO Tsotne Tabidze 2011 CHN matt johnson 2010 CHN Maria Takagi 2011 BGR Nickolay Jordanov 2010 CHN Shu Tianmin 2010 ROM Andrei Tiberiu Jurb 2010 CHN He tianxing 2009 CHN Jay Kaito 2009 CHN Xiao Tong 2011 GEO Eduard Kakauridze 2011 GEO zura tsilosani 2010 GEO George Kartvelishvi 2010 CAN Shawn Wang 2008 ZAF Robert Ketteringham 2009 CHN Sean Wang 2011 GEO Saba Kobaidze 2009 NED Doeke de Wolf 2009 GEO komaro komaroveli 2009 CHN Zhang Xiaoran 2009 CHN Bill Kow 2008 CHN Danfeng Xu 2010 GRC Paris Latino 2011 CHN kuan yang 2009 CHN Bowen Li 2008 CHN feng yelei 2010 CHN Daobing Li 2008 CHN Liang Yongjiang 2010 PHL Wil Li 2010 CHN Yuan Yuan 2009 CHN Xiaoxiao Li 2009 CHN Zhu Yuanfei 2012 CHN Yunze Lu 2010 CHN Li Yuliang 2010 KAZ Filip Luzgin 2009 CAN Omar Zghal 2008 IND Aditya Manthramurth 2009 CHN Weisuo Zhen 2009 USA Casey Mihaloew 2010 CHN Shihua Zheng 2008 YUG Nikola Milosavljevi 2011 BLR Dmitry Zhlobo 2009 CAN Patrick Nguyen 2009 CHN he zijian 2009 VNM Vi Nguyen Here's the country breakdown: 33 CHN 3 CAN 2 BLR 1 TWN 1 NED 1 GRC 1 BGR 8 USA 2 ZAF 1 YUG 1 TUR 1 LTU 1 DEU 1 ARG 7 GEO 2 KAZ 1 VNM 1 THA 1 IDN 1 CUB 3 ROM 2 IND 1 UKR 1 PHL 1 HRV 1 BRA Congrats to these winners. 114 promotions to Silver: everyone over 850 points. ############################## GENERAL ################################### ## About the USACO Internet Programming Contests These contests (the GOLD division in particular) are just incredibly hard... really amazingly hard -- more so nowadays than even just a year or two ago. Winners must master not only algorithmic techniques like dynamic programming but also the ability to write bug-free code quickly. This requires practice and skill. Don't despair if you didn't get a perfect score this time -- it is hard! Furthermore, the scoring mechanism is set up so that a huge percentage of finishers scores in the 0..500 range -- different from many contests where everyone finishes in the 800..1000 range and the 0..800 range is empty. If we don't do this, we can't distinguish among the top competitors. ## Want to Learn More? Check out the USACO training pages at http://ace.delos.com/usacogate . They provide practice challenges that can help you move up in the rankings. ## How USACO Scoring Works The score results are shown below. I used a program to determine how much each problem was worth and how much each test case was worth. Basically, it counts how many people got test cases and problems wrong and uses that to estimate a difficulty and choose a weight. Each problem has a certain number of test cases along with a "weight" that tells how many of the 1,000 points come from that program. The test cases are also weighted; here is an example: points weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------ probname: 39 396.6 6 5 6 5 6 11 If you score full marks on cases 1, 2, 3, and 4, you'd have 6+5+6+5=22 out of 39 points for this problem and you receive: 22/39 * 396.6 = 223.7 total points out of 396.6 possible. The sum of each problem's points is your total score. ## Closing (Thanks and Solicitation) Thanks to the USACO coaches who helped bring this contest together. Special thinks to our translators. USACO accepts -- and uses -- problem submissions from anyone! You have a real leg up in the contest if we use your problem. Feel free to send programming tasks to me. We now have a staff of 20 coaches and assistant coaches who vet the problems and create prototype solutions. This enables us to have many contests throughout the year with at least some level of predictable quality. ==================================================================== ((__)) Rob Kolstad USACO Head Coach (00) kolstad@sage.org +1 719-481-6542 -nn--(o__o)--nn- http://www.usaco.org Colorado Springs, CO ==================================================================== ################################################################################################# 2008 FEBRUARY CONTEST RESULTS: GOLD DIVISION ################################################################################################# ========================= Test Case Weights ======================== points weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c ----------------------------------------------------- grading: 260 264.4 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 cgame: 340 335.6 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 hotel: 396 400.0 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Total score = sum of earned_prob_points[i]/possible_points[i]*weight[i] ============================ Scoring Legend ============================ * = correct t = time exceeded 0-9 = 0%-90% e = bad exit status x = wrong s = bad signal . = no entry GRAD CTR Name................ ID........ --- grading --- ---- cgame ---- ----- hotel ------ TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 ROM Bogdan Cr. Tataroiu bogdan1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2008 CHN Qifeng Chen chenqifen4 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2008 ROM Filip Cristian Buru filipb22 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2010 ROM Cosmin Gheorghe mystupidn1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2008 ROM Victor Rusu victor_10 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2008 CHN Huacheng Yu yuhch123 ***** ***** 260 ***** *9*98 326 ***** ***** ** 396 987 2008 CHN Wu Zhuojie wuzhuoj1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 99999 323 ***** ***** ** 396 983 2009 CHN ZiChao Qi qzc521 ***** ***** 260 ***** 61798 275 ***** ***** ** 396 936 2008 CHN Max Zhou max_zd1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***xx 272 ***** ***** ** 396 933 2009 HRV Goran Zuzic goran.z1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 5.078 238 ***** ***** ** 396 899 2009 CAN Hanson Wang hansonw1 ***xx x*xx* 130 ***** 99*** 333 ***** ***** ** 396 861 2013 BLR Gennady Korotkevich korotkevi2 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** *t*tt tt 231 833 2009 CHN Biye Jiang zqzx06j1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 999xx 261 ***** **e*e *e 297 823 2008 USA David Benjamin dnas.dn1 ***** ***** 260 ***9* 988.. 251 ***** **s*s *s 297 813 2008 ROM Alexandru Tandrau alexthe1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** *tttt tt 198 800 2009 YUG Miklos Homolya miklos1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** *tttt tt 198 800 2010 USA Neal Wu wu.neal1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** *tttt tt 198 800 2008 USA Jacob Steinhardt zealotp1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** *tttt tt 198 800 2008 AUS Jarrah Lacko the.jaz1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 9*999 326 ***** *tttt tt 198 787 2010 USA Brian Hamrick 2010bhamr1 ***** ***** 260 ***99 99999 316 ***** *tttt tt 198 777 2010 CHN Yining Wang antoniowy1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ttttt tt 165 767 2008 BLR Yura Pisarchik yurasik_o1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ttttt tt 165 767 2008 ROM Alexandru Simion simmunl1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***x* 306 ***** *tttt tt 198 766 2008 CHN Yan Gu john_he2 ***** ***** 260 **7.. ..... 91 ***** ***** ** 396 755 2008 ARM Martun Karapetyan martunk1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 61798 275 ***** *tttt tt 198 736 2009 CHN Wenxuan Ma mawenxu1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 61798 275 ***** *tttt tt 198 736 2010 CHN Erjin Zhou eagle0_1 ***** ***** 260 **... ..... 68 ***** ***** ** 396 732 2009 CHN Zhanpeng Fang fzp19901 ***** ****x 234 ***** 9998. 289 ***** *tttt tt 198 723 2008 USA Boping Lai orderto1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ****. 306 ***** ***** ** 396 702 2008 USA Kevin Lee kevlee1 ***xx ***** 208 ***** 61798 275 ***** *tttt tt 198 683 2008 CHN Ziqian Xiao xiaoziq1 **xxx x*xxx 78 ***** ***** 340 ***** *t*t* tt 264 682 2009 CHN Bin Jin crazyb0y1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 664 2010 CHN fengyi zlfengy1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 664 2009 CHN Yongzhe Zhang zyz9151 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 664 2009 THA Chantat Eksombatcha zzanmat1 ***** ***** 260 **xxx *8878 207 ***** ttttt tt 165 636 2008 BLR Aleksey Ropan aropan_1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 *xxxx xxxxt xx 33 633 2008 USA Haitao Mao haitao5201 ***** ***** 260 ***** xxxx. 170 ***** *tttt tt 198 632 2008 USA Louis Wasserman wasserm1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ***** ****t ** 363 631 2008 ROM Filip Stefan filipst1 ***xx ***** 208 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 612 2010 CHN Andy Wu wjjwjj1011 *xxx* x*xx* 104 ***** ***** 340 ***** ttttt tt 165 608 2009 CHN Gao Yihan sexy3232 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ..... ..... .. 0 600 2008 USA Artur Dmowski artur-d2 ***** ****x 234 ***99 xxxx. 163 ***** *tttt tt 198 599 2008 CHN Danqi Chen cdq10131 ***** ***** 260 ***** ..... 170 **xxx x*x*x *t 165 599 2010 BGR Petar Minchev imss1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ***** *9999 326 ***** ttttt tt 165 595 2009 CHN Jiekai Zheng zjk_02131 *xx** ttttt 78 ***** 9***. 302 ***** *tttt tt 198 578 2008 TWN Kelvin Yang hanjay_1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***.. 272 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 566 2008 TWN Robin Chiu robin3 *xxxx xxxxx 26 ***** ***** 340 ***** *tttt tt 198 562 2008 ROM Bogdan Stoica fireatmys1 ****x xtttt 104 ***** ****. 306 ****x xxxxt xt 132 541 2008 DEU Ludwig Schmidt ludosch1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ..... 170 ***** ****t ** 363 534 2008 BLR Alexey Gulenko dolinsky93 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***.. 272 ..... ..... .. 0 533 2008 YUG Miroslav Bogdanovic mirosla4 ***** ***** 260 **xxx xxxxx 68 ***** *tttt tt 198 532 2009 CHN Sean Wang blsdf_w1 *xxxx x*xxx 52 ***** ***xx 272 ***** *tttt tt 198 521 2009 BLR Igor Bryukov dolinsky78 *xx*x x*xxt 78 ***** 61798 275 ***** ttttt tt 165 518 2012 CHN Yi Ding czoi1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 6780. 241 ..... ..... .. 0 503 2008 CAN Guru Guruganesh gurugan1 ***** ***** 260 *xx56 ***** 241 ..... ..... .. 0 503 2009 CHN Uchima Sazuki sazuki1 ***xx t*tt* 130 ***xx x*xx* 170 ***** *tttt tt 198 500 2008 YUG Maja Kabiljo majakab1 ***** ***** 260 ***** *.... 204 *xxxx xtttt tt 33 499 2008 GRC Ioannis Chatzimicho admin12 ***** ***** 260 **... ..... 68 **x** *tttt tt 165 498 2010 BGR Anton Anastasov bigbrobg1 ***** ***** 260 9.... ..... 30 ***** *tttt tt 198 495 2009 CHN JieMing Mao max43041 ***** **x** 234 ***** ..... 170 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 439 2008 CHN Wu Biao ben322 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***xx 272 ***** ttttt tt 165 435 2008 CAN Conan Huang conanhc1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***xx 272 ***** ttttt tt 165 435 2010 CHN Yi Wu jx_wuyi3 ***** ***** 260 **687 ..... 139 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 435 2010 USA Jacob Hurwitz jacobhu1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ..... 170 ***** ***tt tt 264 434 2009 BGR Momchil Tomov pascala1 ..... ..... 0 *.... ..... 34 ***** ***** ** 396 434 2008 KAZ Arman Yesenamanov arman_pkt1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ..... 170 ..... ..... .. 0 432 2010 CHN Shang Jingbo ypsjb203 ***** ***** 260 *.... ..... 34 ****t ttttt tt 132 431 2010 CHN Xiang Gao waslton1 ..... ..... 0 ***** 99999 323 ***tt ttttt tt 99 419 2009 IDN Jonathan Evangel xerocre1 **x** x*xx* 156 **778 9978. 254 ..... ..... .. 0 410 2009 CHN He Sibo hesibo4 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ***** 00000 170 ****t ttttt tt 132 407 2009 YUG Nikola Sibalic nikolas2 ***** ***** 260 *xxxx 61798 139 ..... ..... .. 0 402 2008 CHN He Yijun 35706812 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 400 2008 POL Maciej Klimek maciej_1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 400 2012 ROM Tataranu Vlad tataranu1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 400 2010 CHN Siyuan Tsai csy_wuk1 *xxxx x*xxx 52 ***** ..... 170 ***** ttttt tt 165 387 2009 BGR Martin Marinov martin.ir1 *xx*x x*tt* 104 ***** ***xx 272 ..... ..... .. 0 374 2008 USA Spencer Liang iceeight1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** 340 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 369 2008 DEU Tamás Korodi tamas.k1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** ****t ** 363 367 2008 BGR Georgi Boyvalenkov gpb_bg1 ***** ttttt 130 **... ..... 68 ***** ttttt tt 165 366 2009 CAN WeiNan Wen wen_pet1 **x*x x*xx* 130 *.... ..... 34 ***** *tttt tt 198 366 2009 AUS Jack Murray jack.c.1 ***** ***** 260 ***.. ..... 102 ..... ..... .. 0 365 2009 KOR Minsub Sim sms51742 ***** ***** 260 **xxx xxxxx 68 *ssss sssss ss 33 365 2011 CHN Dai Longao dailong3 ..... ..... 0 **887 36.4. 190 ***** ttttt tt 165 355 2010 CHN Huai Mao huaimao1 ***** ***t* 234 ***.. ..... 102 ..... ..... .. 0 339 2008 USA Yongqian Li yongqli1 ..... ..... 0 ***99 89998 309 *xxxx xxxxt xx 33 339 2010 AUT Daniel Kraft d1 ..... ..... 0 **xxx 61798 173 ***** ttttt tt 165 338 2010 CHN Jiong Shen littlepig1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** 340 ..... ..... .. 0 336 2008 FRA Louis Jachiet rrk2752 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** 340 ..... ..... .. 0 336 2008 USA Nathan Watson andpeng1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ..... 170 ***** ttttt tt 165 334 2010 GEO Mari Kobiashvili mari.ko2 ..... ..... 0 ***** ..... 170 *xx** s*s*s xs 165 334 2008 ROM Florin Pogocsan fpogace1 ***** ***** 260 **xxx xxxxx 68 ..... ..... .. 0 332 2009 USA Shravas Rao h_s_pot1 **xx* x*xx* 130 ..... ..... 0 ***** *tttt tt 198 332 2008 CHN Chenheng Liu liuchenhe1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 **xxx xxxxx xx 66 331 2010 USA Scott Zimmermann redcap1 ***** ***** 260 *.... ..... 34 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 331 2008 CHN Mengyu Zhou zmy903202 ***** ***** 260 *.... ..... 34 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 331 2009 GEO Nika Gabisonia p1 ***** sssss 130 *xxxx 81699 146 *tttt ttttt tt 33 310 2011 USA David Wang davidwa1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ***** *tttt tt 198 306 2010 USA Chenyu Zhao zchenyu1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 *.... ..... 34 ***** ttttt tt 165 306 2009 SGP Wei Quan Lim lwquan2 ..... ..... 0 ***** 99977 309 ..... ..... .. 0 305 2012 BGR Rumen Hristov ambigs1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx txttt tt 33 298 2008 DEU Julian Fischer julian_fi1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx txtxt xt 33 298 2008 CHN Jun Qu qujun561 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 298 2008 IRN Saeed Seddigin sed_rez1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 298 2009 IRN Soheil Ehsani soheile1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 298 2011 USA Wenyu Cao wenyu1 ***** ***** 260 xxxxx ..... 0 *xxxt ttttx tt 33 298 2009 CHN Xintong Li zinccop2 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 298 2008 CHN Yi Yang ahyangy4 ***** ***** 260 9xxxx ..... 30 ..... ..... .. 0 295 2011 BLR Egor Malyshev dolinsky98 *xxxx x*xxx 52 **9xx xxxxx 98 ****t ttttt tt 132 284 2008 USA Brian O'Connor bocon131 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ***** ttttt tt 165 272 2008 BLR Valdemar Tsimashkou vtimoshko1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ***** ttttt tt 165 272 2008 BLR Stanislav Prigodich sprigodic1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 9xxxx xxxxx 30 ****t ttttt tt 132 269 2008 USA Paul Christiano 08paulc1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2010 USA Michael Cohen gnurdux1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2009 UKR Ruslan Simonenko ruslansm1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2009 IRN Sara Sabour sara.sa1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2009 GBR Wiktor Jakubiuk wiktor41 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2009 GRC George Bijes geobije2 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ***97 ..... 156 ..... ..... .. 0 260 2009 USA Billy Dorminy solafid1 *xxtx s*ttt 52 ..... ..... 0 ***** *tttt tt 198 253 2008 BGR Gospodin Bodurov pmgbs891 *xx*x x*xxx 78 **455 32306 163 ..... ..... .. 0 240 2009 IRN Hassan Kachal marrythes1 ..... ..... 0 **xxx xxxxx 68 ***** ttttt tt 165 234 2008 USA Mike Hayter mhayter1 ..... ..... 0 9xxx. ..... 30 ***** *tttt tt 198 230 2010 USA Jack Chen jackchen91 ..... ..... 0 **978 897.. 231 ..... ..... .. 0 228 2008 USA Rachel Fong rachel_1 *xxxx xxxxx 26 ***** ..... 170 *eeee eeeee ee 33 228 2008 BLR Alexander Vorobyov avorobev4 *xxxx t*txx 52 ..... ..... 0 ***** ttttt tt 165 220 2010 CHN Lee Tommas chnlkw1 ..... ..... 0 ***** 130xx 183 *xxxx ttttt tt 33 215 2008 TKM Eziz Durdyyew ezizdurdy1 *xxxx x*xx* 78 ****. ..... 136 ..... ..... .. 0 214 2009 POL Jakub Tlałka mamba571 ***** ***st 208 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 212 2009 POL Marcin Wrochna mwrochn1 ***** ***ss 208 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 212 2008 RUS Evgeny Sokolov mail.su1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ..... 170 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 201 2008 BGR Hristo Borisov hristo_2 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** *tttt tt 198 200 2011 POL Piotr Jastrzebski piotrja1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** *tttt tt 198 200 2011 BLR Pavel Virutin dolinsky109 ..... ..... 0 **989 ..... 156 *xxxx txttt tt 33 188 2010 BLR denis yarets yaretsd1 *xx*x x*xxx 78 ***.. ..... 102 ..... ..... .. 0 180 2010 CHN Ultraman Nexus zhhy_071 *xx*x x*xx* 104 *.... ..... 34 *xxxx xtttt tt 33 173 2008 NZL Ronald Chan ronalch1 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx 61798 139 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 171 2008 CUB Alfonso2 Peterssen a2peter1 ..... ..... 0 ***** ..... 170 ..... ..... .. 0 168 2009 CHN Rachel Zhao zjcycrq2 ..... ..... 0 ***** ..... 170 ..... ..... .. 0 168 2009 CHN Amy Li amylcl31 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 *xx** x*x*x xx 165 167 2010 USA Daniel Li daniel.11 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** ttttt tt 165 167 2009 CHN Ziqiang Zhang solo_fa2 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** ttttt tt 165 167 2009 CHN Cheryl Xie cheryl_1 ***** ttttt 130 ..... ..... 0 *xexx xxxxx xx 33 166 2008 USA TianHui Cai hiccccc1 **x*x x*tt* 130 ..... ..... 0 *tttt ttttt tt 33 166 2009 ROM Marius Ioan Dragus mdragus1 ****x x*xxx 130 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 166 2010 BLR Aleksandr Kulitskiy radmus1 **xtx x*xxt 78 *.... ..... 34 *xxxx ttttt tt 33 146 2009 IRN Mahdi Ahmadi am_33_a1 *xxxx x*xx* 78 *xxxx 5x4.. 64 ..... ..... .. 0 143 2009 CHN Ren Wei agnimon_21 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 *tttt ttttt tt 33 139 2008 USA Jay Shah jay.h.sha1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxtxt xx 33 139 2008 USA Kyu B. Lee kyubok1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 *stss sssss ts 33 139 2010 BGR Mihail Kovachev mi60_ab1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 *xxxx xxxxx 34 ..... ..... .. 0 139 2008 IDN Timotius Sakti timotiu1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx ttttt tt 33 139 2008 USA Alex Zhai azhai1 ***xx x*xx* 130 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 132 2008 ROM Moga Florian moga_fl1 ***x* x*xxx 130 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 132 2009 USA Chiranjith Das jitudas1 *xxxx x*xx* 78 ..... ..... 0 *xsss sssss ss 33 113 2009 IRN Parham Razaghi parham_1 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx 6179. 112 ..... ..... .. 0 111 2008 CHN Yilun Huang hylkjbz2 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2008 ROM Mircea Dima mirceap1 ****t ttttt 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2009 CHN Tsing Wei Hsu tsing.w1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2009 CHN Xu Chiheng xuchihe1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2008 DEU Benito van der Zand benibela1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 *txtx t*t*t tt 99 100 2008 IRN Fartash Faghri fartash2 ..... ..... 0 *xx19 xxxxx 68 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 100 2008 TKM Aman Torayew amantoray1 *xxxx x*xxx 52 ..... ..... 0 *tttt ttttt tt 33 86 2011 EGY Ahmad Salem visum_e1 **ttt ttttt 52 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xtttt tt 33 86 2009 BGR Ivan Todorov ivan_901 *tttt t*ttt 52 9.... ..... 30 ..... ..... .. 0 83 2009 ROM Antoniu Raoul Chis raulihn1 *xx*x x*xxx 78 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 79 2009 ARM Hayk Saribekyan hayk.sa1 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx ..... 34 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 67 2010 CHN Yan Xinchen jlhsyxc1 *xxxx x*xxx 52 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 53 2009 BGR Stefan Avramov stef_lp1 ..... ..... 0 *.... x.3.. 44 ..... ..... .. 0 44 2008 CUB Abel Nieto abal9002 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 33 2009 BLR Dima Bohdanov dolinsky92 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xtttt tt 33 33 2010 CHN Alafate Blunar find01231 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 33 2009 LTU Adas Burksaitis krepst01 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 33 1996 CAN Derek Kisman dkisman1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2002 NED Erik-Jan Krijgsman e.krijg1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2007 CAN Konstantin Lopyrev k.lopyr1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2004 HRV Lovro Puzar lovro1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 9999 CHN Jiang Yanyan nju.jia1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 1000 2006 VNM Hieu Nguyen Minh highlande1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 9*9** 333 ***** ***** ** 396 993 2007 UKR Daniel Neiter dneiter1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 99999 323 ***** ***** ** 396 983 2007 USA Mark Gordon msg5551 ***** ***** 260 **999 99999 312 ***** ****t ** 363 940 9999 CHN Yiru Li liyiruf2 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** 340 ***** ***** ** 396 736 2003 GEO Nika Jimsheleishvil kaxaaka1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 46... 204 ***** **ttt tt 231 699 2002 IRN Hamed Ahmadi Nejad compham1 ***** ***** 260 x.... ..... 0 ***** ***** ** 396 664 2007 CHN Chao Xin x_c01 ..... ..... 0 ***** **... 238 ***** ***** ** 396 635 2006 POL Pawel Pajak emsiweds1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** *t 363 631 1991 CHN Shike Mei phr2765 ***** ***** 260 ***** 999*9 326 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 620 2007 IDN Brian Marshal microbrai1 ***** ***** 260 ***** ..... 170 ***** ttttt tt 165 599 2006 SVK Peter Peresini ppershi1 ***** ***** 260 ***** 99999 323 ..... ..... .. 0 583 2007 SVK Danny Svon wraftle1 ***** **tt* 208 ..... ..... 0 ***** ****t ** 363 578 2000 USA King Mak kmak2 *xx*x x*xx* 104 **... ..... 68 ***** ****t ** 363 540 2007 BGR Ivan Ivanov baboon_1 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx 61798 139 ***** ***** ** 396 538 2004 CHN Wu Yin wywcgs2 ..... ..... 0 ****9 59881 271 ***** **ttt tt 231 502 9999 CHN Zhenyu Zhou jerryzhou3 ***** ***** 260 **... ..... 68 ***** ttttt tt 165 498 9999 CAN Darko Aleksic daleksi1 *xx** x*xx* 130 ***** ..... 170 ***** ttttt tt 165 467 9999 IND Siddharth G gcdart1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ***** *tttt tt 198 464 9999 IRN sadra yazdanbod highcod1 **x** t*ttt 130 ..... ..... 0 ***** **s*s *s 297 432 1999 IRN Mohandes Ashkan bigdadd1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ***** ttttt tt 165 431 2005 DEU Thomas Fersch thomas.4 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** *t 363 367 2006 ROM Paul Diac diac_pa1 ***xx x*tt* 130 *.... ..... 34 ***** *tttt tt 198 366 2003 IND Prasanna Shankar myprasa1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 **xxx *xxtt tt 99 364 2000 ZAF Bruce Merry bmerry001 ..... ..... 0 ***** ***** 340 ..... ..... .. 0 336 9999 GEO Guram Kotolashvili gurkot9 ***** ttttt 130 ***** xx... 170 ..... ..... .. 0 300 1991 CHN Xun Yunbo markxun1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** **e*t *e 297 300 9999 UKR Dmytro Korduban dkordub1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xsxxx xx 33 298 2007 CHN Wang Jing kimwj001 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2004 VNM Nguyen Tran Nam Kha namkhanh21 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2007 EGY Moustafa Batsh patriot1 ***** ***** 260 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 264 2007 BRA Marcelo Galvăo Póvo marspeo1 *xx** x*xx* 130 **652 ..... 112 ..... ..... .. 0 243 2004 RUS Ivan Krasilnikov infnty1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** **ttt tt 231 233 2005 IND Hrushikesh Tilak hrushik1 ***** ***ss 208 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 212 2005 NED Jeroen Bransen jeroenb1 ***** ***tt 208 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 212 2006 LVA Anatolijs Gorbunovs _a_m_g2 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ***** *tttt tt 198 200 9999 KOR Min Kyu Kim devenv1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 *.... ..... 34 *xxxt ttttt tt 33 173 2007 IDN Firdi Mulia firdi_m1 *xxxx x*xxx 52 **... ..... 68 *xxxx xtttt tt 33 153 2007 BGR Wasil Mintchew aseniv1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 ****t ttexx xx 132 133 2001 EGY Hamza Ibrahim cpphamz1 ***** ttttt 130 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 132 9999 ROM Cojocaru Alexandru cjcr_al1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2001 NOR Rune Fevang fevang1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2006 USA Chris Narrikkattu inaset31 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2002 MEX Pavel Herrera paspart1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 1997 EGY Mohamed Abd El-Waha wahab1 *xx*x x*xx* 104 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 106 2007 POL Przemysław Derengow przemek1 *xxxx x*xx* 78 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 79 2005 TUR Emre Varol emre_va1 *xx*t ttttt 52 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... .. 0 53 2005 IRN Aseman Babayi asemany_a1 ..... ..... 0 ..... ..... 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 33 33 ====== Distributions ===== Distribution by grade: Grde # Percent 2008 75 (43.9%) ********************************* 2009 54 (31.6%) ************************ 2010 31 (18.1%) ************* 2011 7 ( 4.1%) *** 2012 3 ( 1.8%) * 2013 1 ( 0.6%) Distribution by country: Cntry # Percent ARM 2 ( 1.2%) AUS 2 ( 1.2%) AUT 1 ( 0.6%) BGR 11 ( 6.4%) **** BLR 13 ( 7.6%) ***** CAN 4 ( 2.3%) * CHN 50 (29.2%) ********************** CUB 2 ( 1.2%) DEU 4 ( 2.3%) * EGY 1 ( 0.6%) FRA 1 ( 0.6%) GBR 1 ( 0.6%) GEO 2 ( 1.2%) GRC 2 ( 1.2%) HRV 1 ( 0.6%) IDN 2 ( 1.2%) IRN 7 ( 4.1%) *** KAZ 1 ( 0.6%) KOR 1 ( 0.6%) LTU 1 ( 0.6%) NZL 1 ( 0.6%) POL 4 ( 2.3%) * ROM 14 ( 8.2%) ****** RUS 1 ( 0.6%) SGP 1 ( 0.6%) THA 1 ( 0.6%) TKM 2 ( 1.2%) TWN 2 ( 1.2%) UKR 1 ( 0.6%) USA 31 (18.1%) ************* YUG 4 ( 2.3%) * ===== Distribution of scores ===== 951..1000 7 ******* 901.. 950 2 ** 851.. 900 2 ** 801.. 850 3 *** 751.. 800 10 ********** 701.. 750 5 ***** 651.. 700 5 ***** 601.. 650 6 ****** 551.. 600 7 ******* 501.. 550 8 ******** 451.. 500 4 **** 401.. 450 12 ************ 351.. 400 12 ************ 301.. 350 16 **************** 251.. 300 19 ******************* 201.. 250 11 *********** 151.. 200 14 ************** 101.. 150 15 *************** 51.. 100 8 ******** 1.. 50 5 ***** 0.. 0 0 Prob * x t e s grading.1 0 0 0 0 0 grading.2 120 48 1 0 0 grading.3 112 55 2 0 0 grading.4 142 23 4 0 0 grading.5 110 55 4 0 0 grading.6 99 56 12 0 2 grading.7 157 2 9 0 1 grading.8 97 53 18 0 1 grading.9 93 53 19 0 4 grading.10 133 17 16 0 3 Total correct: 1063 (62.16%) Prob * 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 x t e s cgame.1 133 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 -> 137.500 cgame.2 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 -> 112.000 cgame.3 90 4 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 -> 97.400 cgame.4 81 6 3 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 20 0 0 0 -> 91.800 cgame.5 80 7 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 19 0 0 0 -> 91.300 cgame.6 43 16 3 0 11 3 1 2 0 1 0 13 0 0 0 -> 69.000 cgame.7 43 17 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 11 0 12 0 0 0 -> 63.400 cgame.8 41 14 4 12 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 -> 66.800 cgame.9 34 21 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 -> 57.100 cgame.10 32 10 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 14 0 0 0 -> 51.400 Total correct: 837.7 (48.99%) Prob * x t e s hotel.1 0 0 0 0 0 hotel.2 115 41 5 1 2 hotel.3 111 44 5 2 2 hotel.4 113 41 6 1 3 hotel.5 107 41 12 1 3 hotel.6 82 34 43 1 4 hotel.7 53 30 76 1 4 hotel.8 44 29 81 4 6 hotel.9 49 29 82 1 3 hotel.10 36 27 93 2 6 hotel.11 46 31 84 1 2 hotel.12 39 28 88 3 6 Total correct: 795 (38.74%) ################################################################################################# 2008 FEBRUARY RESULTS: SILVER DIVISION ################################################################################################# ========================= Test Case Weights ======================== points weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e ----------------------------------------------------------- lines: 95 303.0 0 6 6 6 7 9 9 10 7 10 11 14 meteor: 97 400.0 0 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 9 7 7 8 9 14 egroup: 91 297.0 0 7 9 8 9 9 9 10 10 12 8 Total score = sum of earned_prob_points[i]/possible_points[i]*weight[i] ============================ Scoring Legend ============================ * = correct t = time exceeded 0-9 = 0%-90% e = bad exit status x = wrong s = bad signal . = no entry GRAD CTR Name................ ID........ ----- lines ----- ----- meteor ------ ---- egroup ---- TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 GEO Artem Gandilyan amiran33 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2010 CAN Brian Bi brian_bi21 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2008 SVN Jan Bercic jan.ber1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2010 SGP Wei Zhong Lim limweiz1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2008 BLR Nikita Beloglazov nikelan1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2009 CHN Taibu Haole oldherl1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2009 GEO Levan Varamashvili sashka16 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2010 GEO Joseph Makhatadze snetch1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2009 IRN Aryan Arbabi top_ary2 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2008 CHN Zhang Yunxiao wishyx1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2012 CHN Wentai Zhang zhang-h1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2009 CHN Zhining Wang zhangbj5 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2009 GEO Zurius Kucia zuriekuci1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2010 CHN Yicheng Fan thunderfy2 ***** ***** ** 95 *x*** ***** **** 92 ***** ***** * 91 979 2008 TWN Eric Chen ericcod1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 942 2010 CHN Xiao Zhu xiaozhuac1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 942 2008 CHN Linyun Yu yydjtc1991 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 942 2008 KAZ Sultanbek Tanirberg sultanbek1 ***** ***** tt 70 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 920 2013 USA Daniel Ziegler dan-z21 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **tt 74 ***** ***** * 91 905 2009 CHN HoZhun Jin gene1991 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 **xx* ****x * 62 905 2012 ROM Cezar Mocan mocanceza1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ****t * 79 903 2009 GEO Nika Salia nikolaaz1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *xxx* **** 73 ***** ***** * 91 901 2009 BLR Vladimir Artukhov dolinsky100 ***** ***** tt 70 *x*** ***** **** 92 ***** ***** * 91 900 2008 UKR Andrey Maksay amaksay1 ***** **x** xx 60 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 888 2008 IRN Fereshte Khani feresht2 ***** **x** xx 60 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 888 2011 CHN Zhou Lan slow.sh1 ***** **s** ss 60 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 888 2009 CHN Richard Yi y2865381 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***x* ***tt x 53 876 2009 CHN Yao Fendou cwy_fig1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** *xxx 66 ***** ***** * 91 872 2009 CHN Ye Yu yuye-ab1 ***** **e** ee 60 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ****x * 79 849 2009 CHN Zhong Guohao tidusyuna1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** eeee 59 ***** ***** * 91 843 2010 CHN Weicong Lv davidlv1 ***** xxx*x *x 43 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 834 2009 CHN Sean Wang blsdf_wds1 ***** **x** xx 60 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 831 2009 THA Visit Pattaranutapo colossu2 ***** **x** xx 60 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 831 2010 CHN Junhua Mao maochon3 ***** **x** xx 60 *x*** ***** **** 92 ***** ****x * 79 829 2009 NED Jelle van den Hooff decowbo1 ***** **s** xs 60 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***ts * 69 817 2010 TKM Abdyresul Chariyev abdyres1 ****x *x**x *x 55 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 815 2009 CHN Manquez Doux irachex1 ***** xxx*x *x 43 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** x**** * 82 805 2010 CHN Yang Huan yanghua6 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** **tt* *tss 49 ***** ***** * 91 802 2009 IND Dhoni Sandeep Kumar sandeep.i1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***ts tstt 43 ***** ***** * 91 777 2010 CAN Jacob Plachta jacob_pla1 ***** ***** tt 70 ****x ***x* *x*x 60 ***** ***** * 91 768 2009 DEU Eike Müller eike.c.1 ***** xxx*x *x 43 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***tt * 69 762 2015 CHN Wang Kainan wangkain_1 **x** xxsxx ss 19 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 758 2012 ROM Vlad Tataranu tataranu.1 ***** ***** ** 95 *x*** ***ss tstt 38 ***** ***** * 91 757 2009 CHN qinxiang cao caoqinx1 ****x xxxxx xx 18 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 754 2009 CHN Heming Shou moon.cp1 ****x *xx*x xx 34 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 748 2010 CHN Ziegler Wang z97s04 ****x *xe*x ee 34 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 748 2010 ROM Casu-Pop Bogdan Ste bogdanh1 *s*** sssxs xs 19 *x*** ***** **** 92 ***** ***** * 91 737 2009 TWN Chisato Hsu death301 **x*x xxxxx xx 12 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 735 2011 CHN Jingshu Mao mjs12302 *x**x xxxxx xx 12 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 735 2010 BGR Nikolay Hubanov nikihub1 ***** ***** tt 70 ****x ***x* *x*x 60 ***** ****t * 79 729 2008 TWN Peter Lin tn604001 *xx*x xx*xx *x 27 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 725 2009 ROM Savin Tiberiu devilki2 ***** ***** ** 95 *x*** *sss* xxxx 30 ***** ***** * 91 724 2008 ROM Robert Petrov roberti1 ***** ***** ** 95 *t*** *ttt* tttt 30 ***** ***** * 91 724 2010 USA Anand Oza anand.oza1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 **x*x xxtee * 23 720 2011 CHN Spencer Velicue chenmin1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** **ttt tttt 35 ****x ***** * 82 715 2011 CHN Yuan Deng deng1227y1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *ssss ssxs 28 ***** ***** * 91 715 2010 CHN Yue Lin linyue291 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *ssss ssss 28 ***** ***** * 91 715 2010 CHN Peiqian Li lipeiqi1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *tttt tttt 28 ***** ***** * 91 715 2011 CHN Jiangmiao Li ljm7654321 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *xxxx xxxx 28 ***** ***** * 91 715 2009 KAZ Amir Tulegenov amir.t1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** **xxx xxxx 35 ***** ****x * 79 705 2012 CHN Xizhi Han hanxizhi_1 *x**x xxx*x tt 19 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***tt * 69 686 2008 DEU Toni Heidenreich toni.h1 ***** ***** ** 95 ****x xxxx* **tt 38 ***** ***tt * 69 685 2009 USA Alex Wein alexand28 ***** **xx* xx 53 ***** ***** ***t 83 ****x *x**x x 53 684 2009 UKR Vlad Grinko nyhm.20071 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** xxxx* **** 67 ****x xxxxx * 32 684 2012 SVK Marius Sajgalik ferromr1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** *ttt 66 ****x xxxxx * 32 680 2008 LTU Andrius Aucinas program12 ***** ***** ** 95 *xx*x xxxx* *xxx 19 ***** ***** * 91 678 2008 ROM Bondane Cosmin cosmine1 ***** **x** xx 60 **x** ***** **** 91 ****x xxxxx * 32 671 2010 GEO Zura Iashvili usaco46 ***** ***** ee 70 ***** *xxx* tttt 35 ***** ***** * 91 665 2009 CHN Qiu Kun flyfox1411 ***** ***** ** 95 *xx*x xxxxx *xxx 12 ***** ***** * 91 649 2008 CHN Keqing Chen mlckq_62 ***** ***** ** 95 **x** ***** ***x 77 *tt*t ttttt t 8 647 2008 CHN Zheng Ning sorry99991 ***** ***** ** 95 ***xx xxxxx xxxx 11 ***** ***** * 91 645 2009 UKR Stepan Palamarchuck steps091 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ..... ..... . 0 645 2009 CHN duo chen zhangbj4 ***** ***** ** 95 ***xx xxssx xxxx 11 ***** ***** * 91 645 2010 GEO Giorgi Megreli g_megreli1 ***** ***** ** 95 **x*x xxxxx *xxx 17 ***** x**** * 82 641 2010 LTU Andrius Dagys andrius2 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 639 2008 IDN Ricky Winata ricky.w121 *xxxx xxssx ss 0 **x** ***** **** 91 ***** ****t * 79 633 2008 USA Justin Kopinsky justin3 ****x xxxxx tt 18 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***tt * 69 625 2008 ROM Barsan Paul paulmeg1 ***** ***** ** 95 **x** ***** ***x 77 ..... ..... . 0 620 2008 DEU Marvin Künnemann marvin.2 ***** **s** ss 60 ***** *ssss ssss 28 ***** ***** * 91 604 2008 ROM Vlad Tudose tudose_va1 ***** **x** xx 60 ***** *ssss ssss 28 ***** ***** * 91 604 2010 HRV Frane Kurtovic kfrane1 ***** ***** ** 95 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** ***** * 91 600 2008 CHN Ye Pan panye1 ***** ***** ** 95 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 ***** ***** * 91 600 2008 IDN Lev Eurisko microbrai2 ***** sssss ss 25 **x** xxxx* **x* 52 ***** ***** * 91 591 2009 BLR Denis Shugaew dolinsky105 ***** ****t tt 60 ****x xxxxx *xxx 23 ***** ***** * 91 583 2009 CHN Ye Qiu redleaf1 ***** **e** ee 60 ****x xxxxx *xxx 23 ***** ***** * 91 583 2008 USA Neal Ehardt nialsh1 ***** ***** ** 95 *xxxx **xxx xxtt 13 ***** ***tt * 69 582 2010 CHN Chen Mingtai tlcmt121 ***** ***** ** 95 **xx* *xxxx xxxx 17 ****x ***tt * 60 569 2008 KAZ Erzhan Utkelbaev erzhan1 ***** ***** tt 70 ***** *ssss ssts 28 ****x ****t * 70 567 2008 CHN Fangwei Hu falin.l1 ***** xxx*x *x 43 ***** *xxxx xxxx 28 ***** ***** * 91 550 2008 UKR Ostap Stolyarchuk stostap2 ***** ***** ** 95 **x** **xxx xx*x 38 *xx*x *xx*x x 27 548 2010 USA Nils Molina nilsmolin1 ***** **s** ss 60 ***** *ssss sstt 28 **x** **x** * 72 542 2010 CHN Jiyu Chen chenjiyu2 *exxx eeexe ee 0 ***** ***** **** 97 ****x xxx*x * 42 537 2010 CHN Jingbo Shang shangjing1 ***** **x** xx 60 ***tt xxttt teee 11 ***** ***** * 91 534 2009 ROM Victor Savu victor_sa1 ***** ***** ** 95 *x**x ***x* *x*x 55 ..... ..... . 0 530 2010 CAN Tong Shu Li ultblad1 ***** **x** tt 60 ***** **sss ssss 35 ***** **ttt * 59 528 2010 KOR Wonyeol Lee 92leeon1 ***** ***** tt 70 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** ***** * 91 520 2009 USA Matthew Mayers max2211 **x*x xxsxx ss 12 **x** ***** ***x 77 **x** **ttt * 50 519 2010 CHN Pan yuchao chao0711 ***** xxs*x ss 32 ***** *ssss ssss 28 ***** ***** * 91 515 2009 ROM Andrei Stanica snaked31 ***** **x** tt 60 ***** ***** *s*s 75 ..... ..... . 0 501 2009 ESP Félix Mirav? felixmi1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *ssss ssts 28 **xx* x*xtt x 25 500 2009 HRV Goran Gasic gamer.s1 *x*** xxx*x *x 37 *x*** ***** **** 92 ..... ..... . 0 497 2009 USA Christina Wallin cawalli1 ****x *x**x *x 55 **x** ***** ***x 77 ..... ..... . 0 493 2009 CHN Richard Liu liujun91 ***** eeeee ee 25 ***** *xxxx xxxx 28 ***** ***** * 91 492 2008 BLR Ivan Benko bivans2091 ***** xxx*x *x 43 **xxx *xxxx xxss 11 ***** ***** * 91 480 2011 CHN Xiaoxu Guo gxxspat1 ***** xxxxx xx 25 ***** xxxxx xxxx 22 ***** ***** * 91 467 2010 CHN Zhang Jiangbin zhangji3 *x*** xx**x *x 47 **x** ***** ***x 77 ..... ..... . 0 467 2008 CAN William Song wei_son1 ****x xxxxx tt 18 ***** xxxx* **xx 44 ***** ***tt * 69 464 2008 ROM Claudiu Muresan anonimus_1 ****x xxxxx xx 18 **x*x ***** **xx 62 **xxx *x*x* * 46 463 2009 USA Anand Natarajan anand.nat1 *x*** xxx*x *x 37 **x*x xxxxs ssxs 10 ***** ***** * 91 456 2009 AUS Harry S harry.s2 ***** xx*xx xx 35 ***xx xxxxx xxxx 11 ***** ***** * 91 454 2009 CHN Enxun Wei nxun1 ***** **x** xx 60 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** ****x * 79 449 2010 BLR Evgeni Kostukevich kostukevi1 ***** ***** tt 70 **xe* eeee* **ee 33 **xx* x*ttt x 25 441 2008 GBR Jason Bell cipherj1 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** xxxx* **xx 44 ***** ****t * 79 439 2009 BLR Stepa Nick mikolka1 *xx*x xxxxx xx 6 ***** x*xxx xxxx 29 ***** ***** * 91 436 2010 USA Thomas Georgiou tageorg1 ***** xxx*x *x 43 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 ***** ***** * 91 434 2009 MEX Montserrat González mga902 *xxxx xx*xx xx 10 ***** ***** **** 97 ..... ..... . 0 432 2009 GEO Levan Ilashvili amiran30 *e*** eeeee ee 19 **x*x xxxxx *xxx 17 ***** ***** * 91 428 2009 ROM Dan George Filimon annoyed1 *x*** xx**x *x 47 **xxx xxxxs sxss 5 ***** ****x * 79 428 2012 BGR Togop Markov todsima1 **xxx xxxxx xx 6 ***** ***** **** 97 ..... ..... . 0 419 2009 KAZ Olzhas Alipov milanel1 ***** ***** ** 95 **xxx xxxxx xxxx 5 *xx*x *xxx* x 29 418 2010 ROM Catalina Predoi hazegir1 ***** ***** tt 70 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** **ttt * 59 416 2009 CHN Xiao Tong xt199101 ***** xxxx* xx 35 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 ***** ***** * 91 409 2012 CHN Yitao Hu hytqqq1 ***** ***** ** 95 *x**x xxxx* *xxx 25 ..... ..... . 0 406 2013 BGR Kalina Petrova kalin4eto1 **xxx xxxxx xx 6 ***** **t*t ttxx 44 ****x *xx** * 63 406 2009 ROM Gabriel Bitis gabitzish1 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 *x*** ***** ***x 78 **xx* x*xtt x 25 403 2011 USA Albert Gu albertf1 ****x xxxxx xx 18 *xx** xxxxx xeee 11 ***** ***** * 91 400 2010 ROM Maria Daniela Parca parcalabe1 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** **** 97 ..... ..... . 0 400 2009 UKR Olexiy Palinkash palinka2 ..... ..... .. 0 ****x xxxxx *xxx 23 ***** ***** * 91 392 2009 CHN Qingyu Sui sqybi2 ***** xxxxx xx 25 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 ***** ***** * 91 377 2012 CHN Yu Wang wangyu_ap1 ***** xeeee ee 25 *xx** ***** ***x 72 ..... ..... . 0 377 2011 USA Schuyler Smith smsmith1 ***** xxx*x *x 43 *x**x xxxxt ttee 11 ***** **ttt * 59 375 2009 CHN Mengchuan Zou ddegg191 *x*** xxxxt tt 19 ***** *xxxs ssss 28 ****x ***tt * 60 372 2009 TUR Abidin Seçmece abidinsec1 *xx*x xxxxx xx 6 *xxxx **xxx xxxx 13 ***** ***** * 91 370 2010 USA Rohan Puttagunta rohanp71 *x*** xxxtt tt 19 ***** *tttt tttt 28 ***** **ttt * 59 369 2010 BGR Stefan Marinov stevema3 ***** ***** ** 95 ****x xxxxs ssxs 16 ..... ..... . 0 369 2009 GEO Mkacri Programisti mkacri1 *x**x xx**x *x 40 **x*x xxxxx *xxx 17 **x*x x***x * 52 367 2010 CHN Feng Zili fengzee2 **xxx xxxxx tt 6 ***** xxxx* **x* 58 **x*x *xttt * 32 363 2011 USA Ida Qing happyea1 **xxx xxxxx xx 6 ***** ***** ***x 83 ..... ..... . 0 361 2009 LTU Martynas Budri¨± mbudriu1 **xxx xxxxx xx 6 ***** ***** ***s 83 ..... ..... . 0 361 2020 CHN jiang xhejun jzjjzjjzj1 *x**x xxe*x ee 19 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** ***** * 91 358 2008 CHN Narashy Ray narashy1 ***** xxx*s *x 43 ****x xxxxs ssxt 16 **x*x x*x** x 46 353 2008 USA Tim Lane tlane_k1 ****x *x**x *x 55 ***** ***tt tttt 43 ..... ..... . 0 353 2009 UKR Taras Zubyk taras.zub1 ***** ***** ** 95 **x*x xxxxx xxxx 10 ..... ..... . 0 344 2009 CUB Reinier César Mujic reywork2 *e*** eee*e te 26 *xt** ***** **tt 63 ..... ..... . 0 343 2008 USA Bryan Chan bc.zero1 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** ***x 83 ..... ..... . 0 342 2010 CUB Vladimir Charchabal vitico01 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** ***x 83 ..... ..... . 0 342 2008 DEU Cheng-Nian Xiao chengni1 ***** ***** tt 70 ***** *ssss sstt 28 ..... ..... . 0 339 2008 CHN Chenxing Liu congmin1 **x*x xxxxx xx 12 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 ***** ***** * 91 335 2008 ARG Maximiliano Bustos maxikpo1 ****x *x**x *x 55 **x** **xxx xx*x 38 ..... ..... . 0 332 2008 USA Danny Zhu zqzhu1 ****x *xs*x *s 45 ***** ***tt tttt 43 ..... ..... . 0 321 2008 USA Berkeley Churchill berkeleyc1 ***** xxexx ee 25 ****x xxxxx xxxx 16 ****x *x**x x 53 319 2008 TWN Jack Lee jack1081 ***** ***** ** 95 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 303 2008 SVK Matus Kukan matus.k1 ***** ***** ** 95 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 303 2010 IRN Mohsen Mahdieh moh.mah1 ***** ***** ** 95 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 303 2008 CHN Danfeng Xu xudanfeng1 ***** ***** ** 95 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 303 2009 CAN Frank Ban farnak1 ***** xxsxx ss 25 ***** *xxxx xxxx 28 ****x xxxxx * 32 300 2009 DEU Mario Volke mario.v1 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** xxxxs ssxx 22 ***** **tss * 59 283 2008 IDN Listiarso Wastuargo halluci2 *xx*x xxsxx ss 6 **x*x ***** **xx 62 ..... ..... . 0 275 2010 GRC Makis Arsenis marseni1 ..... ..... .. 0 ****x xxxxx xxxx 16 ****x *xx** * 63 272 2010 GEO Nodar Ambroladze fizmat21 ***** xxx*x tt 32 *x*** ***ss ssss 38 ..... ..... . 0 259 2009 ROM Mihai Cotizo Sima sima_co1 ***** xxx*s *x 43 ***** *ssss ssss 28 ..... ..... . 0 253 2010 GRC Apostolis Gaitanidi apostol2 *x*** xxx*x tt 26 ***** **ttt tttt 35 **xxx xxxxx x 7 250 2012 CHN Yiqing Hua hlyhyqfbn1 *e*** esese ss 19 **xxx xxxxx xxxx 5 ****x *xx*x * 51 248 2008 CHN peng ziliang xpksupe1 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 *xx** ***** *ttt 55 ..... ..... . 0 227 2010 CHN Likun Chen orangec2 ***** ***** tt 70 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 223 2009 CAN Golam Tahrif Bappi tahrif.1 ***** ***** tt 70 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 223 2008 CAN Matthew Lai cyberfi1 *xx*x xxxxx tt 6 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** **ttt * 59 212 2012 BGD Anindya Das anindya1 ****t ****t *t 64 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 204 2009 ROM Vlad Ionescu dorelia1 ..... ..... .. 0 ****x xxxxx *xxx 23 ****x xxxxx * 32 199 2008 ARG Esteban Ordano esteban3 ***** xxx*x *x 43 ..... ..... .... 0 *xx*x *xxxx x 17 193 2009 CHN huang yanping hypxp001 ***** **x** xx 60 *xxxx xtxxt tttt 0 ..... ..... . 0 191 2009 USA Jared Nelson nelsond1 ***** **x** tt 60 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 191 2010 USA Andy Fang andy.fa1 ****x *x**x *x 55 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 175 2008 CHN Yang Pan panyang311 ****x *x**x *x 55 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 175 2009 CAN David Hu divad151 **xx* x*xx* tt 32 ***xx xxxxx xxxx 11 **xxx xxxxx x 7 170 2009 KAZ Ivan Martynov ivan_ko1 *xx*x xx*xx xx 16 **x*x xxxxx xxxx 10 **x*x xxxxx * 23 167 2008 USA William Yang wyang1 ***** xxx*x tt 32 ..... ..... .... 0 *xx*x xxxxt x 8 128 2008 USA Brian Perrault jack5251 ..... ..... .. 0 *xxxx xxxxx xttt 0 **x*x xxx** x 37 121 2010 USA Rohan Bhale rabkid11 *xxxx ttttt tt 0 ..... ..... .... 0 ****x xxx*x x 34 111 2010 USA Jennifer Wang jennife2 *x*** xxxtt tt 19 ..... ..... .... 0 *xx*x xxxxx x 8 87 2008 CAN Maysum Chan maysumh31 ****x *tttx tt 27 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 86 2010 USA Li Ma tocirah1 *x*** xxx*t tt 26 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 83 2009 SGP Tan Run Xian tanrunx1 *xxxx sssss ss 0 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 **x*x xxx*x x 25 82 2010 USA Huaiyu Wu xiaowuc1 ***** xxxxt tt 25 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 80 2010 GEO Kakha Chinchaladze kvaxa911 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 ***xx xxxxx * 24 78 2011 GEO Nika Shvili nbegia1 ..... ..... .. 0 *t**x xxxxx *xxx 18 ..... ..... . 0 74 2010 ROM Palianos Cristian za_wolf1 ..... ..... .. 0 *xx** *ssss ssss 17 ..... ..... . 0 70 2008 USA Omar Abudayyeh omar_ab1 *tx*x teeet ee 6 ..... ..... .... 0 **xxx xxxxx * 15 68 2009 USA Robert Morrison rmorris1 **x*x xxxxx tt 12 ..... ..... .... 0 *xx*x xxxxx x 8 64 2009 USA Alex Ruff aruff1 ****x xxxxx ee 18 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 57 2009 HRV Domagoj Fijan domagoj2 ****x sssss ss 18 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 57 2011 CHN Norman Heqing Ya normanyah3 ****x xxxxx tt 18 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 57 2010 HKG Yuen Chak Fai thinfai1 ****x xxxxt tt 18 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 57 2009 TUR Ahmet Atik ahmetatik1 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 *xxxx xxxxx xxxx 0 **xxx xxxxx * 15 49 2009 USA Amy Tai atai1 **xxx xxxxx xx 6 ..... ..... .... 0 **exe xxext x 7 42 2008 FRA Gautier Marti gautier1 *xx*x xxxxx tt 6 **xxx xxxxx xtts 5 ..... ..... . 0 40 2010 TKM Yhlas Beghanow yhlas_o1 **x*x xxsts ss 12 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 38 2009 USA Andrew Rasmussen andrew6 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ..... ..... .... 0 **xxx xxxtt x 7 23 2008 ROM Kirika Yuumura anca.suga1 ..... ..... .. 0 **xxx xxxxx xxxx 5 ..... ..... . 0 21 2010 USA Peter Gu peter.s1 ..... ..... .. 0 **xxx xxxxx xxee 5 ..... ..... . 0 21 2011 BGR Martin Penkov martin.12 **ttt ttttt tt 6 *xxxx xxxxx xxss 0 ..... ..... . 0 19 2015 COL Erick Enrique Sanch sanericks3 *xx*x xxxxx tt 6 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 19 2009 CHN Jiangfan Du xxxjp25 **xxx xxxxx xx 6 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 19 2008 USA Dana Hoffman smileyc1 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 0 9999 IRN Ehsan Emam Jomee Za ehsan701 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 9999 BRA Felipe Souza feliper1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 1994 IND Gagandeep Bhatia gsbhati1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 9999 CHN Liangjing Wang iamsempr1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2006 BLR Aleks Statkevich qwe1231 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2003 CHN shibo luo shengkn1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 9999 CHN Taizhi Zhang ztztcy1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 1000 2005 CHN shubo yang xjysb1 ***** ***** x* 84 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 965 9999 POL Marcin Dubla¨˝s mrc881 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 942 9999 CHN Anthony Parker sysysyb3 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 942 2004 CHN Tang Hao tanghao1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **tt 74 ***** ***** * 91 905 2005 ZAF Julian Kenwood nomad011 ***** ***** ** 95 **x** ***** **** 91 ***** ***tt * 69 903 9999 CHN Tian Tan weiyu912 ***** ***** ** 95 **x** x**** ***x 71 ***** ***** * 91 893 9999 CHN Fernando Shao zero2 ***** **x** xx 60 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 888 2007 TWN Zhi-Cheng Shi s0000151 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ****x x**** * 73 884 2005 BGD Muntasir Mashuq mashuq051 ****s *s**s *s 55 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 872 9999 POL Marcin Druzkowski marcind1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ****x *x*x* * 63 851 9999 YUG Nemanja Trifunovic ntrifun1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** **** 97 *xx*x *x*tt * 35 817 9999 IND Yajiv Singh yajiv101 ***** ***** tt 70 *x*** ***** **tt 69 ***** ***** * 91 805 2006 VNM Son Nguyen Ba blinkms1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** **xx* *xxx 49 ***** ***** * 91 802 2004 CHN Li Fengjie lfj_21 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** *t*t 75 *x*** x**xx * 53 785 2004 USA Ozan Bellik ozbe561001 *e*xx eeexe xe 6 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***** * 91 716 9999 CHN Yunfan Zhang iwfwcf4 ***** ***** tt 70 **x** ***** **** 91 **x** x*xtt x 33 706 2004 LTU Vytautas Astrauskas vastrau1 ***** ***** tt 70 ****x ***x* *x*s 60 *x*** ****x * 72 706 2006 ROM Marius Pungaru marius.6 ***** ***** ** 95 ****x xxxxx *xxx 23 ***** ***** * 91 695 1988 GRC Nikolaos Papaspyrou nickie1 ***** ***** ** 95 **x** *ssss sssx 22 ***** ***** * 91 691 9999 ROM Alexandru Scvortov scvalex1 *xxxx xxxxx x* 14 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 684 1989 CHN Fei Liu leaf_of1 **xe* eeeee ee 13 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***** * 91 681 2007 USA Jonathan Chu jonatha10 ***** ***** ** 95 **xxx **xxx xxxx 18 ***** ***** * 91 674 9999 DEU Philipp Wei? philipp4 ****x xxxxx tt 18 ***** ***** **** 97 ***** ***tt x 61 657 2007 IDN Aris Feryanto aris_fe2 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ***** ***x 83 ..... ..... . 0 645 9999 KOR Han Jun Hee wgmaker1 ***** ***** ** 95 **x*x xxxxx xxxx 10 ***** ***** * 91 641 2006 YUG Vidor Kanalas vidork1 *xx*x xtttt tt 6 ***** ***** ***x 83 ***** ***tt * 69 587 2007 MEX Miguel Covarrubias macs041 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** ****x **tt 67 ..... ..... . 0 579 9999 BGR Velislava Hristova vili_top1 ****x x*x** ** 69 *xxxx **xxx xxxx 13 ***** ***** * 91 571 9999 GRC Gio Pagio pagio911 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *ssss ssss 28 ****x *xxxx * 41 552 9999 CHN Aaron Liu yuchen-1 ***** ***** tt 70 ***** xxxx* **x* 58 **xx* x*ttt x 25 544 9999 CHN Kai Chen remlostim1 *x*** *x**x *x 56 ****x xxxxx *xxx 23 ***** ****x * 79 531 9999 CHN jian ge geziwen111 *x*** xxx*x *x 37 ***** ***tt tttt 43 **x** **x*t * 60 491 9999 ROM Alexandru Tache tacheal1 ..... ..... .. 0 **x** ***** **** 91 **xx* x*x*x x 35 490 9999 MEX Pablo Aguilar pablo.a1 *x*** xxx*x *x 37 ***xx xxxx* xxxx 18 ***** ***** * 91 489 2006 BGD Mir Wasi Ahmed mwasiav1 *xx** xxsxx ss 13 ***** ***** ***x 83 ****x xxxxx * 32 488 9999 CHN Fenix Lin gacjy1 **x*x xx*xx xx 22 ***** *xxxx tttt 28 ***** ***** * 91 483 2007 NZL Joseph Scarr joey.sc1 ***** ***** tt 70 ***** ***ss ssts 43 **x*x xxxtt * 23 476 2002 ARG Michel Mizrahi michel_1 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***ss sstt 43 ***** ***** * 91 474 2005 VNM Doan Tuan Anh doantua1 ****x *x**x *x 55 ***xx xxxxx xxxt 11 ***** ***tt * 69 446 9999 CHN Rommy Davis rommy.d1 ***** x*x** ** 76 ****x xxxx* *xxx 30 ***xx xxxxx * 24 444 1990 BLR Dmitry Zhukovsky my_othe1 *xx*x xxxxx xx 6 ***** ***** ***x 83 **xx* x*xtt x 25 443 9999 UKR Max Kareta bald.sk1 ***** ***** ** 95 ***** *xxxx xxxx 28 ..... ..... . 0 418 2006 SYR Ijad Ibrahim tyados2 *x**x xxs*x ss 19 ***** ***** ***x 83 ..... ..... . 0 403 2005 POL Przemek Szałaj pszemsz1 *x*** xxx*t tt 26 **xxx xttts ssss 5 ***** ***** * 91 401 2007 BGR George Acev slayer_1 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** *ttt 66 **x*x xxx** x 37 393 2006 IND Satyam Shekhar satyamshe1 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** ***x 83 ..... ..... . 0 342 9999 CHN Lu Lucas lcx_truth1 *e*** eee*e *e 37 ..... ..... .... 0 ****x ***tt * 60 314 9999 IND Deepesh Damodaran deepesh1 ***** ***** ** 95 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 303 2004 COL Alexander Enrique U uarcang1 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** ***** * 91 297 2006 CUB alkaid llanes jose2 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ****x xxxxx xxxx 16 ***** ***tt * 69 291 2006 GRC panagiotis giannoul panioti3 ***** ****x ** 85 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 271 9999 IDN Adianto Wibisono wongiseng1 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... .... 0 ***** ***tt * 69 225 2003 ROM Mates Catalin mwwiu1 ****x xxxxx xx 18 ..... ..... .... 0 ****x xxxxx * 32 162 2007 ZAF Saadiq Moolla mithryl1 ****x xxxtx tt 18 **xxx xxxxx xxxx 5 ***xx xxxxx * 24 156 2007 MNG Chunag Dashdemberel batchunag1 ***** x*xx* xx 44 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 140 2006 IND Nirmal Mehta nirmal21 ***** xxx*x *x 43 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 137 2005 CHN Feng Shengxiang fengshe1 **x*x xxxxx xx 12 *x*tt ttsst tttx 6 **xxx xxxxx x 7 86 9999 IDN Eko wibowo blue_ma1 ****x xxxxx xx 18 **xxx xxxxx xxxx 5 ..... ..... . 0 78 9999 CHN Leo Kan gba19911 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 **xxx xxxxx xxxx 5 **x*x xxxxx x 15 70 2007 TWN Guan Hong Guo godgunm1 *xx*x xxxxx xx 6 ..... ..... .... 0 ..... ..... . 0 19 ====== Distributions ===== Distribution by grade: Grde # Percent 2008 53 (26.0%) ******************* 2009 72 (35.3%) *************************** 2010 52 (25.5%) ******************* 2011 12 ( 5.9%) **** 2012 10 ( 4.9%) *** 2013 2 ( 1.0%) 2015 2 ( 1.0%) 2020 1 ( 0.5%) Distribution by country: Cntry # Percent ARG 2 ( 1.0%) AUS 1 ( 0.5%) BGD 1 ( 0.5%) BGR 5 ( 2.5%) * BLR 6 ( 2.9%) ** CAN 9 ( 4.4%) *** CHN 61 (29.9%) *********************** COL 1 ( 0.5%) CUB 2 ( 1.0%) DEU 5 ( 2.5%) * ESP 1 ( 0.5%) FRA 1 ( 0.5%) GBR 1 ( 0.5%) GEO 12 ( 5.9%) **** GRC 2 ( 1.0%) HKG 1 ( 0.5%) HRV 3 ( 1.5%) * IDN 3 ( 1.5%) * IND 1 ( 0.5%) IRN 3 ( 1.5%) * KAZ 5 ( 2.5%) * KOR 1 ( 0.5%) LTU 3 ( 1.5%) * MEX 1 ( 0.5%) NED 1 ( 0.5%) ROM 19 ( 9.3%) ******* SGP 2 ( 1.0%) SVK 2 ( 1.0%) SVN 1 ( 0.5%) THA 1 ( 0.5%) TKM 2 ( 1.0%) TUR 2 ( 1.0%) TWN 4 ( 2.0%) * UKR 6 ( 2.9%) ** USA 33 (16.2%) ************ ===== Distribution of scores ===== 951..1000 14 ************** 901.. 950 8 ******** 851.. 900 6 ****** 801.. 850 10 ********** 751.. 800 6 ****** 701.. 750 16 **************** 651.. 700 8 ******** 601.. 650 12 ************ 551.. 600 8 ******** 501.. 550 10 ********** 451.. 500 12 ************ 401.. 450 15 *************** 351.. 400 17 ***************** 301.. 350 13 ************* 251.. 300 6 ****** 201.. 250 7 ******* 151.. 200 8 ******** 101.. 150 3 *** 51.. 100 14 ************** 1.. 50 10 ********** 0.. 0 1 * Prob * x t e s lines.1 0 0 0 0 0 lines.2 161 32 1 4 1 lines.3 163 35 1 0 0 lines.4 178 20 1 0 0 lines.5 141 56 2 0 0 lines.6 114 73 3 5 4 lines.7 105 80 3 6 5 lines.8 96 72 3 12 16 lines.9 135 49 6 4 5 lines.10 104 71 11 6 7 lines.11 93 42 38 12 14 lines.12 69 62 38 13 17 Total correct: 1359 (55.51%) Prob * x t e s meteor.1 0 0 0 0 0 meteor.2 143 32 2 0 0 meteor.3 129 47 1 0 0 meteor.4 150 25 1 1 0 meteor.5 127 49 1 0 0 meteor.6 125 51 0 1 0 meteor.7 102 58 4 1 12 meteor.8 91 63 8 1 14 meteor.9 84 66 10 1 16 meteor.10 100 46 10 0 21 meteor.11 105 38 14 1 19 meteor.12 85 52 16 3 21 meteor.13 80 54 24 6 13 meteor.14 51 76 22 6 22 Total correct: 1372 (48.04%) Prob * x t e s egroup.1 0 0 0 0 0 egroup.2 150 6 1 0 0 egroup.3 130 25 1 1 0 egroup.4 144 13 0 0 0 egroup.5 119 36 1 1 0 egroup.6 128 28 1 0 0 egroup.7 125 31 1 0 0 egroup.8 116 29 11 1 0 egroup.9 115 18 22 1 1 egroup.10 97 28 29 1 2 egroup.11 136 20 1 0 0 Total correct: 1260 (56.15%) ################################################################################################# 2008 FEBRUARY CONTEST RESULTS: BRONZE DIVISION ################################################################################################# ========================= Test Case Weights ======================== points weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c ----------------------------------------------------- diningb: 97 400.0 0 7 7 9 10 9 10 10 11 12 12 racing: 92 324.0 0 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 9 8 9 cowmult: 81 276.0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Total score = sum of earned_prob_points[i]/possible_points[i]*weight[i] ============================ Scoring Legend ============================ * = correct t = time exceeded 0-9 = 0%-90% e = bad exit status x = wrong s = bad signal . = no entry GRAD CTR Name................ ID........ --- diningb ---- ---- racing ----- -- cowmult --- TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2008 IND Aditya Manthramurth adityam.o1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 USA Alex Crichton alexc601 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 ROM Ioana Popescu amma_1331 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2013 USA Andrew Cai andrewc1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Kai Jiang archon.jk1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 KAZ Askhat Aliaskarov askhat_1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Maria Takagi avactor1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Sean Wang blsdf_wds2 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 TUR Burak Coskun burakcosk1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 USA Daniel Ranard danrana1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Daobing Li daobing1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 NED Doeke de Wolf doekede1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 BLR Dmitry Zhlobo dolinsky110 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 USA John Haberstroh dudeman1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 GEO Eduard Kakauridze edo_1991 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Yang Shujun ellenys1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 ZAF Jacobus Conradie fconrad2 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 CHN feng yelei fengyel1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Jeff Hill ferrari1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 KAZ Filip Luzgin fil_lis1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 USA Filip Sufitchi filip1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 DEU Marcel Ruegenberg foobar1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Xiao Tong formylady1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Weisuo Zhen gcdzws1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN he zijian hezijia1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN He tianxing htx_2006 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 ROM Ionut (Stefan) Bogd ionutac1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 USA Justin Johnson j267741 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CUB Jos?Daniel Rodrígu josedan1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 GEO George Kartvelishvi kartgio1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 GEO Tsotne Tabidze kaxaakaki30 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 GEO komaro komaroveli komarovel1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Bowen Li lbwdruid1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 CHN Liang Yongjiang liangyo2 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Xiaoxiao Li lixx1991 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN liu duolon lsspc1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Li Yuliang lyllyl01 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 CHN matt johnson mattmyw1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 LTU Rolas Glotnis mazylis1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Zhu Yuanfei meteey4 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 IDN Samsu Sempena micro_sam1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 USA Casey Mihaloew mihaloe1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 IND krishnan parthasara mine.or1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 ARG Nicolas Ponieman nicoponie1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 YUG Nikola Milosavljevi nikmark1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 GEO seriozuli programis nikusalia1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 BGR Nickolay Jordanov npluss1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CAN Patrick Nguyen ntn1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2012 CHN Yunze Lu nuofei01 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CAN Omar Zghal omar.zg1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 GRC Paris Latino paris.lat1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN biao jia pcbill11 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Shihua Zheng poweriv.q1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 BLR Alexey Prokopnev prokopnev1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Cheng Quan qchero1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 USA Frank Rodriguez raknarf1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 VNM Vi Nguyen redfox22 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 ZAF Robert Ketteringham robket1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 UKR Rustam Dzumaniyazov rustamdz.1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 TWN Jr-Cheng Shi s0000152 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 GEO Saba Kobaidze sabula1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 THA Alan Cookies smallve1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Zhang Xiaoran star1571 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Shu Tianmin stm5121 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN TianYou Sun style71 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CAN Shawn Wang subchap1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 HRV Viktor Braut vbraut1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 BRA Vítor Meneguzzi Gro vitor021 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Bill Kow wang_ya1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Jay Kaito whqlsc1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 PHL Wil Li willi.t11 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2008 CHN Danfeng Xu xdf19891 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 CHN Xiao Qi xiaqqai1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Ziyin Song yesxdogdo1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 CHN kuan yang yk_tz1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Yuan Yuan ysyi1961 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2011 GEO zura tsilosani z-z1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 CHN Joe Chow zhoujia8 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2010 ROM Andrei Tiberiu Jurb znakeu1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2009 UKR Anton Lunyov anton_lun1 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 971 2011 TUR Mehmet Zerturk mehmetzer1 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 971 2008 KAZ Nurbolat Argumbayev sheyh_91 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 971 2009 TUR Murat Demirbüken murdem911 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ****x ** 83 ***** ***** 81 968 2010 IDN Xeandra Yacolasta xeandraya1 ***** ***** x 85 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 951 2009 USA Alexei Gousev agousev1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***x* **x** 63 939 2009 IDN Aldrian Obaja aldrian_m1 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ****x ** 83 ***** ***** 81 939 2011 TUR Taha Karagoz bytakaby1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ****x xx 66 ***** ***** 81 908 2010 CHN Sheyn Hu husheyn1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** *xx*x ** 65 ***** ***** 81 905 2009 IDN Reinardus Surya Pra s_pradh1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** *xx*x ** 65 ***** ***** 81 905 2008 USA Abhinav Gautam abhinav4 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2008 USA Adnan Zafar azafar_1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2009 USA Benjamin Susman bensusm1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2008 USA Brooke Laing blaing_1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2011 BLR Chayko Vitya chayko-1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2009 ZAF Imtiaz Mangerah cool1231 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2009 USA Alan Huang fuzzius1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2009 USA Hendrik de Kock hendrik1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2008 CAN Kevin Singh kevinms1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2009 POL Konrad Kozera kkbystr1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2009 IDN Risan ptrrsn_1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2008 IND arvind sundararajan sa.phoeni1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2009 CAN samin khan samin912 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2010 CHN zhang tianqi zhangtq1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2008 ECU Alejandro Farias alefar3142 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2010 TUR Cihad Oge cihadoge1 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2010 TUR Feyzullah Kalyoncu feaymu1 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2009 HRV Filip Barl filip_b1 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2008 CAN David Teng wanderi1 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2010 USA Sherry Wu shewu1 ****x xx*** * 68 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 880 2009 USA Ashton Grimball agrimki2 ****x **x** t 65 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 868 2011 HRV Robert Tretler skullze1 *xx*x *x*** * 63 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 860 2010 USA Evan Fletcher efletch1 ***** ***** t 85 ***** ****t tt 66 ***** ***** 81 859 2011 GEO Giorgi Giglemiani gigugi_931 ***** ***tt t 62 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 856 2009 CAN Sheng Liang lsvlpsr1 ***** ***tt t 62 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 856 2010 CHN Albert Yao yaoyao01 ***** ***** * 97 ***** **xxx xx 49 ***** ***** 81 849 2012 CHN Lingling Cao dancing3 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 835 2008 CHN Song Xie magicet1 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 835 2008 IDN Yosua Michael Maran michaelne1 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 835 2009 USA Yongzuan Wu wuy2 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 835 2010 USA Lisa Fawcett zig6001 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 835 2008 USA Jonathan Shih endle551 ***** ***** * 97 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 817 2010 USA Nathan Benjamin nathans1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 817 2010 USA Andrew Imm aimm221 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2010 ROM Robert Sandu dark_ro1 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2008 USA Sohan Jain dbzsoha1 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2009 IDN Christopher Henry P infinit5 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2010 USA Kevin Chen kevinch2 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2014 BGR Momchil Peychev mompej951 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2009 ROM Alex Pana r.whiteso1 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2010 USA Daniel Negulescu negules1 **x** ****t t 66 ***** ***** tt 75 ***** ***** 81 812 2012 CHN wen cao caowen4 *x**x *x**t t 46 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 790 2008 USA Ryan Gormley ryagor2 *x**x *x**t t 46 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 790 2013 GEO Giorgi Salia giorgisal1 ***** ***** * 97 **xx* *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 789 2010 COL Rafael Mantilla rjmanti1 ***** ***** * 97 **xx* *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 789 2008 CAN Colman Ing colmaning1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***xx xxxxx 18 785 2011 POL Alan Kutniewski alan.kutn1 ***x* **x** x 66 ***** *xx*x ** 65 ***** ***** 81 777 2009 USA Alex Roe aroe1 ***x* **xxt t 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2010 KAZ Igor Prokopiyev igorpro1 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2008 IDN Janson Hendryli jansonh3 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2012 BGR Ivo Gitzov stormra1 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2011 USA Aaron Burger wburgle1 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2010 USA Jeff Cooper weirdso1 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2009 ROM Haidau Andrei haidau_2 ***** *xxxx t 42 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 773 2011 HKG Tai Ming Fung Phili hkqcwn1 ***** ***** * 97 *xx*x *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 761 2009 RUS Andrey Tikhonov tiacorpo1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 *xxxx x*xxx 9 755 2014 BLR Sergei Kulik skd062 **x** ****t t 66 ***** ***** ** 92 ****x x**xx 45 750 2011 ROM hulparu adrian hulparu2 ***x* x*xxx x 34 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 740 2010 CHN Tony Smith tsfdye1 ****x x*xxx x 33 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 736 2008 USA zachary glasser zachary5 ***x* *xxtt t 33 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 736 2009 CHN Yongliang Wang 05272021 ***** ***** * 97 ***xx xxxxx xx 16 ***** ***** 81 732 2010 ZAF Gwylim Ashley gwylim.a1 ***** ***** * 97 ***xx xxxxx xx 16 ***** ***** 81 732 2013 ROM razvan brezulianu rbrezul2 ****x *xxss s 32 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 732 2008 ROM Mihai Tabara camp101982 ***** ****t t 73 ***** *ssss ss 40 ***** ***** 81 718 2008 CAN jerry xiao hello_i1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** *xxtt tt 40 ***** ***** 81 718 2008 IND harishankaran K sp2hari2 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** tt 75 ***** ***** 81 717 2008 KAZ Abai Zhazbulganov abai_zh1 ***** ***** * 97 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 704 2009 GEO Nikoloz Machavarian nmacho911 ***** ***** * 97 *xxxx xxxxx *x 8 ***** ***** 81 704 2008 CAN Devin Kwok scholar-o1 ***** ***** * 97 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 704 2010 USA Sam Rush srush011 ***** ***** * 97 *xxxx xxxxx *x 8 ***** ***** 81 704 2009 DEU Ulrich Mierendorff ulrich.1 ***** ***** * 97 *xxxx xxxxx *x 8 ***** ***** 81 704 2011 SGP Wendy Wang wendy.s2 **x** ***** * 90 *xxxx *xxxx *x 16 ***** ***** 81 703 2008 USA Mike Petrokowski mpetrokow1 *xx*x *x**t t 39 ***** ***** tt 75 ***** ***** 81 701 2012 TKM Ahal Akgayew ahalakl1 ***xx x*xxx x 24 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 699 2011 TUR Batuhan Yerlikaya batuhan1 ***xx x*xxx x 24 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 699 2009 CHN Sun Bin caray1 ***xx x*xxx x 24 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 699 2010 IDN Veni Johanna lennie_2n1 ***xx x*xxx x 24 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 699 2012 BGR Aleksandrina Stoyan alya931 ***xx *xxxx x 23 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 695 2009 ROM Adrian Deac paul_bros2 ***xx *xxxx x 23 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 695 2013 BLR Vlad Sobin vladl131 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ****t tt 66 ***** ***** 81 686 2008 USA Abel Chan abecha2 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***x* xx*** 54 685 2011 TUR Bugrahan Sahin hyperx_971 ***** ***** * 97 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 676 2009 TWN Tommy Wu s_920351 ***** ***** * 97 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 676 2009 POL Marcin Cyran cyfran1 **x** ***** * 90 *xxxx xxxxx *x 8 ***** ***** 81 675 2009 USA Scott VanderLugt scottva1 *x**x *x**t t 46 ***** **xx* xx 58 ***** ***** 81 670 2010 BLR Sergey Konoplich ___seryog1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 IDN Ahmad Priatama ahmad.p2 ***xx xxxtt t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 YUG Aleksandar Krasic akideli1 ***xx xxxxx t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2010 USA Alex Chernyakhovsky alex9 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2012 USA Xiaoyu He alkjash1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 BLR asmisha asmisha asmisha2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 KGZ Rahatbekuulu Astar astar092 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2012 GEO beka churbanovi babo211 ***xx xxxxt t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 USA Charity Tarn chickab1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 CAN Christopher Wu chris.w1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 IND Adhiraj Somani cooladh1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 USA Emma Conner econner_k1 ***tx ttttt t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 IDN Ellensi Rey Chandra ellensi1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 BGR Hidirin martinov emomarti1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 USA Frank Xiao frankxi1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 CHN gong xiangban gongbanba1 ***xx xxxxt t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 ZAF Haroon Moolla haroonm1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 ARM Hayk Blrtsyan haykblr1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 IDN Anggakara Hendra ilcapit1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 IDN Muhammad Irfan Alfa irfan_sen1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 BLR Dmitry Ivanenko ivanenko_1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 USA Daniel Kang jumpysh1 ***xx xxxxt t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 CHN Frank Lin linjin11 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 MDA Radu Antohi lordrez1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 ROM Popovici Adrian mithyx21 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2012 BGR Simona Boiadjiiska monii_931 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 BLR Alexander Kulikovsk monster.t1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2009 BLR Alex Kachanov musthack2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 TUR Alper Gündođdu npv251 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 TKM Pudak Nurberdiyew pudaknu1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 ROM Ghitulete Razvan razvan.2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 ARE K. Aljabri saxlxam1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 TWN Ting-Yu Shen styhihs1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 USA Thayalan Pirapakara thayala1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2010 USA Timothy Lee timothy5 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 BGR Mario Dimitrov userov.us1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2008 BGR Ivan Kru6kov vusaco1 ***xx xxxxx t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2012 CHN Yexiang Xue xlnxyx4 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2011 CHN May Zhou yzhou80181 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2010 CHN Zhang Jiangbin zhangji10 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2010 KAZ Galimjan Abdugalimo naffiq2 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 652 2008 IND Narendran S pr104281 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 652 2011 TUR Hakan Gunes hngunes571 **x** ***** * 90 *xxxx xttss ss 0 ***** ***** 81 647 2010 BLR Ivan Artukhov dolinsky99 *x*xx xxxxx t 7 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 629 2008 CAN Raymond Yau skydrag1 **xxx xxxxx x 7 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 629 2008 CHN Silas Song silasli2 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ..... ..... 0 625 2008 USA Ethan Berl berl1 ***** ****t t 73 **xxx xxxxx xt 8 ***** ***** 81 605 2011 USA Scott Lawrence scottrl1 ***** ****t t 73 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 605 2011 CHN Ruofan Zhou zrfan3 ***** ****t t 73 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 605 2010 BGR Emil Nikolov emil_en2 ***** **xxx x 52 *xx** *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 603 2008 USA Mike Mu moo.mike.1 ***** **xxx x 52 *xx** *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 603 2010 IRN Roksana Baleshzar roksana3 ***xx *xxxx x 23 ***** ***** ** 92 ***xx x**** 54 603 2010 BRA Andre Pereira andrehp1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2012 USA Andrew Zhang andrewz1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2010 TUR Bilal Erdogan bilal_e1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2010 POL Christopher Krypiew chriskr1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 CUB deinier morales deinier1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2010 ROM Mario Postmortem fara_grij1 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2008 USA Greg Hubers ghubers1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 USA Jack Stankewicz jack.st1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2008 USA Jason Rock jrock081 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 USA Lillian Stiff lillian1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2011 VEN Emilio Tirado llth3.n1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 BLR Kirill Xorhuliov longnight3 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 USA Madalyn Parker maddy901 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2008 CAN Nelson Jong nelson.2 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2008 CAN Lucia Li njliwen1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 USA Nathan Werme nwerme_1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 LVA Peter Girgenson peterla1 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 USA Robert Robert robertsei1 *exxx xxxxx x 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2009 KAZ Serik Beketayev ut911 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2010 GEO iva gurgenishvili vanera1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2008 CHN Bo Wang 000wang1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** xx 75 ***** ***** 81 598 2008 CAN Cindy Wang sakura.1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** tt 75 ***** ***** 81 598 2010 KAZ Erkanat Ramazanov 2bus.erka1 ****x xx*x* * 57 **xxx *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 596 2010 BLR Vova §®§Ú usaco50 **x** ****t t 66 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 576 2008 USA Jonathan Angel college2 *x*xx xxxxx x 7 ***** ***** tt 75 ***** ***** 81 569 2010 BGR Wyand Wyand wyand1 *x*xx xxxxx x 7 ***** ***** tt 75 ***** ***** 81 569 2010 USA David Blumin david191 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 ***** ***** *t 83 ***** ***** 81 568 2010 USA Abhimat Gautam abhimat1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** *xx*x ** 65 ***** ***** 81 563 2011 BGR Rinswind Andreev rinse1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** *xx*x ** 65 ***** ***** 81 563 2009 SGP Zheng Yi zheng_y2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** *xx*x ** 65 ***** ***** 81 563 2008 ROM Harald Nezbeda free2infi1 ***xx x*xxx x 24 ***** **xxx xx 49 ***** ***** 81 548 2011 GEO achiko kuprashvili kaxaakaki31 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** xx 75 ***** ***** 81 540 2009 USA Robin Veeck robinve1 *xxxx xxxxt t 0 ***** ***** tt 75 ***** ***** 81 540 2010 UKR Boris Dibrov dibrov.bo1 ****x xx*x* * 57 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 539 2008 CAN Harun Mustafa bilgisa1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***x* *xx** x* 58 ***** ***** 81 538 2008 CAN Sarmad Qadri sarmad.qa1 ***x* **xxx x 43 *x**x xxx*t tt 24 ***** ***** 81 538 2009 USA Nathan Grubb grubbfa2 ***** ttttt e 33 **xx* *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 525 2012 GEO vaja asatiani beboiko1 ****x x*xxt t 33 ***** ***** ** 92 ***xx xxxxx 18 521 2008 USA Dan Reichert dreiche1 ***** **xxx x 52 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 519 2010 CHN Darser Wan asdf2691 ***** **xxx x 52 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 490 2008 USA Kyle Cunningham slambov1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** xxx*x 45 477 2011 BGR Momtsil Petkov mgmma1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** *ssss ss 40 ***** ***** 81 475 2011 TUR Sefa Aydemir sefa-ayde1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 475 2009 USA Kelly Williams kwillia2 ***x* *xxxx x 33 *xxxx *xxxx *x 16 ***** ***** 81 468 2011 TUR bilal yasar bilalya1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***xx xxx*x x* 33 ***** ***** 81 450 2009 DEU Oleg Yuschuk oleg1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 **xx* *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 446 2009 USA Julian Okuyiga okuyiga1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** tt 75 ***x* x*xxx 36 445 2012 EGY Mohamed Bastawissi bastoel1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 **xxx *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 418 2011 BLR Ilya Tsimokhin dolinsky111 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 **x** *xxxx *x 40 ***** ***** 81 417 2008 CHN wu bin mrjoke1 ***** ***** * 97 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 400 2011 USA William Dalton willdalto1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 *xx*x *xxxx xx 16 ***** ***** 81 390 2009 IRN Mohammad Pesteie noroozi1 **x** xxxxx x 26 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 383 2009 CHN John Maxwell chinazjsx2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ..... ..... 0 382 2009 USA Grant Miars gmkam1 *x**x *xxxx x 25 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 379 2009 VNM Duc Huy Nguyen vietcrack1 ****x xxxxx x 23 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 371 2011 BGR Miroslav Kramolinsk miroslav_1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 *xxxx xxxxx *x 8 ***** ***** 81 362 2009 USA Oscar Sanchez oscar_s1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 *xxxx xxxxx *x 8 ***** ***** 81 362 2010 KAZ Timur Tibeyev timur911 ***xx xxxxx t 14 **xxx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 362 2009 USA Hannah Flynn hflynn_1 ..... ..... . 0 **xxx *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 361 2010 USA Kevin Yang kevinya1 ..... ..... . 0 *xx*x *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 361 2008 KAZ Arman Kurmanbayev sheyh911 *xxxx *x*xx x 19 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 354 2010 HRV Marko Kruljac kruljac.m1 *ttxx *xxxx x 9 *xxxx xxxxx *x 8 ***** ***** 81 341 2011 TUR Halil Özercan haliloz1 ***xx xxxxs s 14 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 334 2011 COL Sebastian Arcila sebastian3 ..... ..... . 0 *x*xx *xxxx xx 16 ***** ***** 81 332 2008 USA Charles Chu chinese5 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***tt tt 58 ***x* x*xxx 36 327 2009 USA Amelia Atkinson goin.go1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ..... ..... 0 324 2010 IND Mayank Magoo mayankm1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ..... ..... 0 324 2009 UKR Vitaliy Ivashchenko va_ivashc1 *xxx* xxxtt t 10 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 317 2009 USA Leonid Grinberg lgrinbe1 ..... ..... . 0 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 304 2009 USA Andew McCubbin squiddy1 ..... ..... . 0 **xxx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 304 2009 USA Nick Wright nickmlb1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ****t tt 66 *xxxx xxxxx 0 290 2010 COL Christian Zuluaga cristia7 ..... ..... . 0 *xsss sssss ss 0 ***** ***** 81 276 2013 GEO sandro shubladze gam_zaza11 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 276 2011 TUR m_yousouph ozkaya mahmutm1 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 276 2011 LTU Michail Zarechenski rostov931 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 276 2013 ABW Joseph soso soso19951 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 276 2009 USA Sravan Suryadevara sravan.su1 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 276 2009 IND Swapnil Sonawane swapnil1 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 276 2008 IDN Felix Jingga heart_o1 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** *xx*x 54 184 2010 USA Benjamin Mehne bmehne11 ***xx *xxxt t 23 ..... ..... .. 0 *xxxx xxxxx 0 95 2011 USA Divya Garg divyagarg1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 58 2012 BLR Slava Lapitski ogurezsla1 ***xx xxxxt t 14 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 58 2011 BLR Vany Koshevnikov van26942 ***xx xxxxt t 14 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 58 2009 USA Anita Tung atung_k1 ..... ..... . 0 *xx*x xxxxx *x 16 ..... ..... 0 56 2012 BLR Sergey Nichiporchic arhangels1 **xxx xxxxt t 7 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 29 2011 GEO Alex Azizian alexandro1 ..... ..... . 0 *xx*x xxxxx xx 8 ..... ..... 0 28 2012 ROM Alina Suiu escape_1 ..... ..... . 0 *xttt tttss ss 0 *xxxx xxxxx 0 0 2004 NOR Aasmund Eldhuset aasmund1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 CHN Yingshu Chen chenyings1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2007 NZL Edwin Flores edf8251 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 GRC Petros Pantavos el061671 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 1995 RUS Eugene Moskalyanov emos1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 LVA Aigars Eglajs enoyhs1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2005 ROM Floryan2oo7 Marcu floryan2o1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2000 CHN GingQ Funow gingq1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 GEO Giorgi Beridze gio.ber1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2006 CHN Yao Li hnkfliy1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2007 CHN Hong kan hongjun3 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 GEO lasha gureshidze lasha_g1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 CHN Chenyang Lee licheny1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2000 CHN juno lee lijunlu1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2005 CHN liu Shaohui lshmous1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2006 POL Micha?Szumski michal21 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 1998 CHN Omarion Wang omarion1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 CHN ye xia only.one.1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2004 GRC George Prekas prekgeo1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2005 BRA Rafael Daigo Hirama rafaeld1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2006 CUB Sergio Rodriguez Or ser6rod2 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 1991 CHN shilu shilu shilusd1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2004 CHN Song Kuangyan sky0321 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 CHN Kong Xing skyblue_11 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2007 IDN Fidelius Stanheart ss_imposs1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2005 CHN Thierry Henry thierryhe1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2007 IND Vishwesh Inamdar vishwes1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2005 CHN wu yukai wuyukai1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 2007 CHN Ziqi Huang yuyan191 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 1000 9999 BLR Dmitrii Eliashevich eliashe1 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 971 2007 CHN li sijin lisijin2 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 971 9999 CHN Peng Yuhan pyh1192 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 971 9999 VNM nguyen thanh an thanhan1 **x** ***** * 90 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 971 2007 CHN Yang Liu liuyang385 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** *x 83 ***** ***** 81 968 2007 BRA Guilherme Souza gsouza21 ***x* ***** * 88 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 963 9999 IRN Delafrooz Mir delafro1 ***** ***** t 85 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 951 2007 CHN erning shi weweweer91 **x** ***** t 78 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 922 2006 GRC Konstantinos Psycha kpsychas1 ****x *x*** * 77 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 918 9999 GEO levani levani levani41 ***** x***x * 76 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 913 2004 IND Brahm Kiran Singh brahmth1 ***** **x** x 75 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 909 9999 CHN RuoChen Xu fool0071 ***** ***** * 97 ***** **xxx ** 66 ***** ***** 81 908 1997 BLR Kuk Aleksey asdwsx-1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 9999 IND Abhishek Bhowmick bhowmick21 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 2006 VEN Adrian Rivera jnuxadr1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 9999 BRA Renato Ferreira renato.wo1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 9999 CHN zung mung chang spikerb1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 901 9999 GEO Levan Iliusi leo19932 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2007 HRV Denis Petek me.d3ad1 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2005 BGD samir hasan sam14871 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2007 KAZ Vladimir Lee vova_fi1 *x**x *x*** * 70 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 889 2007 CHN Li Yuan lydxlx2 ***xx *x*** * 68 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 880 2002 BRA Joel Uchôa joeluch1 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 835 9999 TWN Liang Wen temp.at1 **x** ***** t 78 ***** *xx*x ** 65 ***** ***** 81 827 2004 BGR Velislav Nikolov veli1 ***** ***** * 97 **x** *xxxx *x 40 ***** ***** 81 817 2007 CHN yan hao ycyh1 ***** ***** * 97 ***** *ttss ss 40 ***** ***** 81 817 2007 BLR Andrey Lyahovets a1991l1 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 2005 IND yazhini sp cs105281 ***** **sss s 52 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 814 9999 VEN Gonzalo Bello gonalbe1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ****t tt 66 ***** ***** 81 809 2006 CHN ge tuojian getuoji1 ****x xx*x* * 57 ***** ****x ** 83 ***** ***** 81 803 9999 CHN Lei Zhao leizhao1 *x**x *x**t t 46 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 790 2005 BRA Anderson Aiziro a_aizir1 ***** ***** * 97 *xx** *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 789 9999 USA John Nevard johnev001 ***** ***** * 97 *xx** *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 789 1990 CHN Tao Steve tsc13571 ***** ***** * 97 **xx* *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 789 2005 USA nakort valles nakort1 ***** ****t t 73 ***** ***tt tt 58 ***** ***** 81 781 2006 CHN han zhenhua hzhua201 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2005 IDN Stephen Febrian jan_hol1 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 2005 EGY Karim Nosseir karimno1 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 777 9999 IRN mohammad habibollah habib723 ***** ***** * 97 *xx*x *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 761 2005 CHN leo kan gba19913 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 *xxxx x*xxx 9 755 2007 CHN han xia ghqxiah1 ***** **xxx x 52 ***** ***** ee 75 ***** ***** 81 755 1990 BLR Alex Yakubenko saneksm3 ***** ***** * 97 ***** ***** ** 92 *xxxx x*xxx 9 755 2003 ROM Grajdeanu Codrin Al grcodal1 ***** ***** x 85 *xx** *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 739 2007 ZAF Johan Du Plessis johdup1 ***x* *xxxx x 33 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 736 2007 BLR Andrey Levkovskiy kronix-011 ***** sxxss s 33 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 736 9999 GEO Anna Gandilyan anna.ga1 ***** ***** * 97 *xx*x xxxxx *x 16 ***** ***** 81 732 2007 CHN Lin Haoyin hylcraz1 **xx* x*xxx x 27 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 711 9999 CHN Ro Duan romaxcp1 ***** ***** * 97 **xxx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 704 2007 BGR Martin Toshev marto_81 ***xx x*xxt t 24 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 699 1981 BGR Atanas Stoyanov at_stoy1 ***xx *xxxx x 23 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 695 2006 CHN mingyuan wu mercury2 ***xx *xxxx x 23 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 695 2007 SGP Bo Tian tianbo1 ***xx *xxxx x 23 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 695 2000 CHN wu yu superwy2 ***** ****t t 73 *xx** *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 690 9999 CHN Hongjiu Jiang jhj2008101 ***x* **xxx x 43 ***** ****t tt 66 ***** ***** 81 686 2004 THA Sira Songpolrojjana mystery_m1 ***** *xxxx x 42 ***** ***** ** 92 ***xx x**** 54 681 9999 CHN Weng Sifan wsf-rab1 ****x xx*xt t 33 ***** ***** xx 75 ***** ***** 81 676 2006 CHN Tony Xu tony-xt1 *xx*x *xxxx x 18 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 674 2001 CHN shi hongyi shy46481 *x*xx *xxxx x 16 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 666 9999 CAN Matthew Wang chaossh1 ***** ****t t 73 *xx*x *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 662 2007 IDN Ade Saputra ade_bae2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 ROM Alex Nitescu alex_mirc1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 IRN Alireza Noorian alir4311 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 GRC Vasileios Syrgkanis bsyrgan1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2006 CHN Alex Lee gemini_1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 CHN Guantai Hu huguant1 ***xx xxxxs s 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2004 IDN Izhari Ishak Aksa izharisha1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2007 PHL Ken Lee kdlee1_71 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 CHN Xuejian Tang love_hc1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 VEN Maria Rodríguez mgabrie1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2006 BGD monish chakrabortty monish_1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2005 BRA Reginaldo Vieira recovie1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2007 CAN Sun Bin Kim sb88k2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 CHN yong song songyon1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2003 GRC Spyros Koukas spyrosthe1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 CHN Angelina Cheng tess1231 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2002 USA Tim Stanke tstan431 ***xx xxxxt t 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 9999 CHN xiang dong xd111422 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2004 CHN Micheal Owen zmn12.51 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 658 2004 CHN lhfcws Wu lhfcws1 ***** ****t t 73 *xx*x xxxxx *x 16 ***** ***** 81 633 9999 ROM Pripoae Teodor parazit3 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** *x 83 ***** ***** 81 626 2007 IDN Adi Widya klajogj1 ***** ****t t 73 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 605 2005 ARE ayesha motiwala 205215531 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2007 PHL Maria Clarisse Ligu clariss1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2007 PHL Jansesn Go jlgo172001 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2006 HRV Ante Modric judge_t1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 9999 IDN air yash mailtoj1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2007 PHL Michael Ybanez micmic9891 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 9999 ITA Nicola Zaghen niczag81 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2005 IND Omair Abdullah omairab1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2006 CUB Anibal Barredo pablora1 *xxxx xxxtt t 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2004 IND Anusha Rajan pyramid1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2005 BGD rushafi Wasik Mursa rushafi1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 2007 EGY shady mokhtar shady_m1 *xxxx xxxxx t 0 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***** 81 600 9999 CHN Yan Lingqi diablox2 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** **x*x 63 596 2004 IND Pushkal Srivastava pushkal1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***** ** 92 ***** ***xx 63 596 2003 POL Kuba Podgórski kuba.po1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 **x** *xx** ** 66 ***** ***** 81 566 2007 IDN Dwika Putra dephe_phe1 *xxxx **xx* t 31 ***** *xxtt tt 40 ***** ***** 81 545 9999 CHN harry shan harrysh1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** ***** xx 75 ***** ***** 81 540 2007 ROM Dragos Oprica odv_drast1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** ***xx xx 58 ***** ***** 81 538 9999 CAN Gerry Donaldson gdonald1 *ttxt ttttt t 0 ***** ****x xx 66 ***** ***** 81 508 9999 CHN Jinpeng Chen flyingz2 ***xx xxttt t 14 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 475 2000 HUN Ivan Ivanov ikivanov1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 475 2005 ESP Pir Ipi Sanchez piripi1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 *xx** *xxxx *x 32 ***** ***** 81 446 9999 IRN Mahshid Montazerolg mahshid1 ***x* *xxxx x 33 *x*xx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 440 2007 GRC Dimitrios Kolotouro tartoufo11 ***xx xxxxx x 14 *xx*x *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 418 2000 BRA Wanderley Guimarăes wanderl1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 *xx*x *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 418 2007 IDN Franco Octavianus hitou_kir1 ..... ..... . 0 ***** *xxxx xx 40 ***** ***** 81 417 9999 BLR xalera §m xalera-mc1 ****x xxxxx x 23 **xxx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 399 2007 PHL Ivan John Clement ivan_pi1 ..... ..... . 0 *xx*x *xxxx *x 24 ***** ***** 81 361 9999 IND Shriram Kunchanapal skunchan1 ..... ..... . 0 *xx** *xxxx tt 24 ***** ***** 81 361 9999 ISR Dor Zohar dorzoha1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 *xxxx xxxxx tt 0 ***** ***** 81 334 2007 ROM Bogdan Catrinescu cplus_p1 ..... ..... . 0 **xxx xxxxx xx 8 ***** ***** 81 304 9999 DEU Christian Ranz christi12 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 *xxxx xxxxx xx 0 ***** ***** 81 276 9999 IND Amit Kumar me053041 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 276 9999 PHL kristine pascual tin.pascu1 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** ***** 81 276 1992 CUB Rodriguez Orama Ale alerodo1 ***xx xxxxt t 14 ..... ..... .. 0 ***** xx*** 63 272 9999 CHN David Qiu qcthree1 *xx*x *x*** * 63 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 260 CHN John Smith chinazjsx1 ..... ..... . 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ****x xx*xe 36 123 1994 GEO mari babutsidze mari-bab1 ..... ..... . 0 *xxxx xeeee tx 0 ***xx xxxxx 18 61 2002 IND vinit upadhyay vkupadh1 ***xx xxxxx x 14 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 58 1993 CHN Frank Green clwxzh51 ..... ..... . 0 *xx*x xxxxx *x 16 ..... ..... 0 56 2005 CHN daye zhang kingoffig2 *xxxx xxxxx x 0 ..... ..... .. 0 ..... ..... 0 0 ====== Distributions ===== Distribution by grade: Grde # Percent 2008 72 (23.0%) ***************** 2009 98 (31.3%) ************************ 2010 71 (22.7%) ***************** 2011 48 (15.3%) *********** 2012 16 ( 5.1%) *** 2013 6 ( 1.9%) * 2014 2 ( 0.6%) Distribution by country: Cntry # Percent ABW 1 ( 0.3%) ARE 1 ( 0.3%) ARG 1 ( 0.3%) ARM 1 ( 0.3%) BGR 13 ( 4.2%) *** BLR 17 ( 5.4%) **** BRA 2 ( 0.6%) CAN 17 ( 5.4%) **** CHN 53 (16.9%) ************* COL 3 ( 1.0%) CUB 2 ( 0.6%) DEU 3 ( 1.0%) ECU 1 ( 0.3%) EGY 1 ( 0.3%) GEO 16 ( 5.1%) *** GRC 1 ( 0.3%) HKG 1 ( 0.3%) HRV 4 ( 1.3%) IDN 14 ( 4.5%) *** IND 8 ( 2.6%) * IRN 2 ( 0.6%) KAZ 10 ( 3.2%) ** KGZ 1 ( 0.3%) LTU 2 ( 0.6%) LVA 1 ( 0.3%) MDA 1 ( 0.3%) NED 1 ( 0.3%) PHL 1 ( 0.3%) POL 4 ( 1.3%) ROM 15 ( 4.8%) *** RUS 1 ( 0.3%) SGP 2 ( 0.6%) THA 1 ( 0.3%) TKM 2 ( 0.6%) TUR 15 ( 4.8%) *** TWN 3 ( 1.0%) UKR 4 ( 1.3%) USA 77 (24.6%) ****************** VEN 1 ( 0.3%) VNM 2 ( 0.6%) YUG 2 ( 0.6%) ZAF 5 ( 1.6%) * ===== Distribution of scores ===== 951..1000 83 *********************************************************************************** 901.. 950 20 ******************** 851.. 900 11 *********** 801.. 850 16 **************** 751.. 800 15 *************** 701.. 750 16 **************** 651.. 700 55 ******************************************************* 601.. 650 10 ********** 551.. 600 30 ****************************** 501.. 550 9 ********* 451.. 500 5 ***** 401.. 450 5 ***** 351.. 400 12 ************ 301.. 350 9 ********* 251.. 300 8 ******** 201.. 250 0 151.. 200 1 * 101.. 150 0 51.. 100 5 ***** 1.. 50 2 ** 0.. 0 1 * Prob * x t e s diningb.1 0 0 0 0 0 diningb.2 288 26 1 1 0 diningb.3 288 27 1 0 0 diningb.4 213 102 1 0 0 diningb.5 202 114 0 0 0 diningb.6 219 95 2 0 0 diningb.7 203 111 2 0 0 diningb.8 195 119 2 0 0 diningb.9 185 123 7 0 1 diningb.10 166 103 45 0 2 diningb.11 160 100 53 1 2 Total correct: 2119 (61.55%) Prob * x t e s racing.1 0 0 0 0 0 racing.2 301 37 0 0 0 racing.3 299 37 1 0 1 racing.4 295 41 1 0 1 racing.5 294 42 1 0 1 racing.6 303 33 1 0 1 racing.7 271 62 2 0 3 racing.8 268 65 2 0 3 racing.9 277 54 2 0 5 racing.10 263 64 6 0 5 racing.11 282 37 14 0 5 racing.12 261 56 16 0 5 Total correct: 3114 (82.91%) Prob * x t e s cowmult.1 0 0 0 0 0 cowmult.2 337 4 0 0 0 cowmult.3 337 4 0 0 0 cowmult.4 330 11 0 0 0 cowmult.5 333 8 0 0 0 cowmult.6 329 12 0 0 0 cowmult.7 333 8 0 0 0 cowmult.8 330 11 0 0 0 cowmult.9 332 9 0 0 0 cowmult.10 330 11 0 0 0 Total correct: 2991 (95.56%)