This problem is intended as an exercise in the mechanics of range tree. The information we need to track are fairly complicated, so it's best to break it into several operations on a 0,1 array:
* Find the first group of k consecutive 1s
* Set an entire range to 0 (or
The first operation can be further reduced to finding the longest segment of consecutive 1s in a range as we could search down the ranges. To track this, we need the following information in order to allow this information to propagate up the tree:
The 2nd and 3rd are fairly easy to propagate up the tree. The 1st is slightly trickier since there are 2 possibilities: range completely contained in left/right subrange, range crosses midpoint. In the 2nd case, the answer must be the maximum segment of 1s at the right end of the left sub-range and the maximum segment of 1s at the left end of the right sub-range merged together.
We also need to support 'fills'. To do this, we put a flag on each node to indicate whether it has been filled. Every time we update downwards from the root and we encounter these flags, we set the maximum values in that range accordingly and push the range onto its children as if a range if filled, so is any subrange of it.
All the above operations runs in time proportional to the height of the tree. So if we use an array-based binary indexed tree, we get O(logN) per query for a total runtime of O(MlogN).
Here is a working version of David Benjamin's code. The fields in the node structure are precisely the information listed above:
#include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> int realn; int n; enum { EMPTY, FULL, MIXED }; struct node { char state; int lmax; int rmax; int cmax; int start; unsigned size; }; const int NMAX = 2*160000+1; const int ROOT = 1; node tree[NMAX]; inline int left(int v) { return 2*v; } inline int right(int v) { return 2*v+1; } inline int parent(int v) { return v/2; } inline unsigned size(int v) { return tree[v].size; } inline int start(int v) { return tree[v].start; } inline int end(int v) { return start(v) + size(v); } void propogate(int v) { if (left(v) >= 2*n) return; if (tree[v].state == EMPTY) { unsigned s = size(left(v)); tree[left(v)].state = EMPTY; tree[left(v)].lmax = s; tree[left(v)].rmax = s; tree[left(v)].cmax = s; tree[right(v)].state = EMPTY; tree[right(v)].lmax = s; tree[right(v)].rmax = s; tree[right(v)].cmax = s; } else if (tree[v].state == FULL) { tree[left(v)].state = FULL; tree[left(v)].lmax = 0; tree[left(v)].rmax = 0; tree[left(v)].cmax = 0; tree[right(v)].state = FULL; tree[right(v)].lmax = 0; tree[right(v)].rmax = 0; tree[right(v)].cmax = 0; } } void inherit(int v) { // assert - left & right are up-to-date if (left(v) >= 2*n) return; if (tree[left(v)].state == EMPTY && tree[right(v)].state == EMPTY) { tree[v].state = EMPTY; tree[v].lmax = tree[v].rmax = tree[v].cmax = size(v); return; } if (tree[left(v)].state == FULL && tree[right(v)].state == FULL) { tree[v].state = FULL; tree[v].lmax = tree[v].rmax = tree[v].cmax = 0; return; } tree[v].state = MIXED; tree[v].lmax = tree[left(v)].lmax; if (tree[left(v)].state == EMPTY) tree[v].lmax = tree[right(v)].lmax + size(left(v)); tree[v].rmax = tree[right(v)].rmax; if (tree[right(v)].state == EMPTY) tree[v].rmax = tree[left(v)].rmax + size(right(v)); tree[v].cmax = std::max(std::max( tree[left(v)].cmax, tree[right(v)].cmax), tree[left(v)].rmax + tree[right(v)].lmax); } int query(int d, int v) { if (v >= 2*n) return -1; if (tree[v].state == EMPTY && tree[v].size <= d) return tree[v].start; propogate(v); if (tree[left(v)].cmax >= d) return query(d, left(v)); if (tree[left(v)].rmax + tree[right(v)].lmax >= d) return end(left(v))-tree[left(v)].rmax; if (tree[right(v)].cmax >= d) return query(d, right(v)); return -1; } void fill(int a, int b, int v) { //printf("f %d %d\n", a,b); int s = start(v); int e = end(v)-1; if (v >= 2*n || b < a || s > b || e < a) return; propogate(v); if (s >= a && e <= b) { tree[v].state = FULL; tree[v].lmax = tree[v].rmax = tree[v].cmax = 0; return; } fill(a,b, left(v)); fill(a,b, right(v)); inherit(v); } void empty(int a, int b, int v) { //printf("e %d %d\n", a,b); int s = start(v); int e = end(v)-1; if (v >= 2*n || b < a || s > b || e < a) return; propogate(v); if (s >= a && e <= b) { tree[v].state = EMPTY; tree[v].lmax = tree[v].rmax = tree[v].cmax = size(v); return; } empty(a,b, left(v)); empty(a,b, right(v)); inherit(v); } int main() { FILE * fin = fopen("", "r"); FILE * fout = fopen("hotel.out", "w"); assert(fin != NULL); assert(fout != NULL); int m; fscanf(fin, "%d %d\n", &realn, &m); n = 1; while (n < realn) n *= 2; for (int i=n;i<2*n;i++) { tree[i].size = 1; tree[i].start = i-n; } for (int i=n-1;i>0;i--) { tree[i].size = 2*tree[left(i)].size; tree[i].start = tree[left(i)].start; } for (int i=1;i<2*n;i++) { tree[i].state = EMPTY; tree[i].lmax = size(i); tree[i].rmax = size(i); tree[i].cmax = size(i); } fill(realn, n-1, ROOT); for (int i=0;i<m;i++) { int type; fscanf(fin, "%d", &type); if (type == 1) { int d; fscanf(fin, "%d", &d); int p = query(d, ROOT); fprintf(fout, "%d\n", p+1); if (p >= 0) fill(p, p+d-1, ROOT); } else { int x,d; fscanf(fin, "%d %d", &x, &d); x--; empty(x, x+d-1, ROOT); } } return 0; }